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Isaiah Rashad outed after leaked sex tape

This man really said weird flex cuz he gets his hair tightened up by homies mom, been came here and said how crazy the shit is to him... So much that niggaz was about to @ him to see if he heard shit.... And here come our resident hater like

🙄 Dude we get it, you know his mom's.... Will you shut up
NH but I was about to @ you to see if there was any talk about Zay ever bein’ on tha DL just cuz I know you’ve posted before about knowin’ his mom and shit….

lol nah

1st time I met him was at our mutual friends who lived next to him mom's

bout 6-7 of us jus smokin & chillin

sum Jehovah witness or sumn came by, everybody was like nah I'm good but Zay went down & talked to em


other than that I was w/ them at 1 of TUT's shows, nothin out the ordinary
"My homeboy just dome'd a nigga " - Jay Rock

smh man

ion think it's him (haven't seen any vids but until I hear from him or his mom it's fake to me)

the few times I've met dude he was cool tho, never gave off that "I'm a celebrity" vibe, now granted he was at his mom's crib so it was jus a few of us but yet & still

even if this is true really doesn't change how I feel about him

l've known his mom for at least a decade & she always been good people

who would it be? a stunt devil? lmao
who would it be? a stunt devil? lmao
I know yall arent watching the tape but your boy is up there giving a nigga a chewy bop

“I know his momma”

ok …. every mfer on pornhub and only fans has a momma

whats next?


idk & idc to find out

not sayin I kno his mama, he'd never do this

jus depends on their reaction to this (or lack thereof) if I give it validity
