I'ma save you a lot of brain power the next time someone tries to engage with you.
Stop trying to always be the smartest nigga in the room. Stop always looking for the gotcha moment and just answer the question.
Why in the blue hell would I be talking about the chemical composition of anything in this thread. The question I asked you was simple and straightforward.
The difference between a liquid and a solid is the liquid moves freely, the solid doesn't. Dassit. Now that you have this piece of info, what can you deduce it means if someone says they are sexually fluid?
It's rhetorical, so just post a gif and keep it pushing.
Happy memorial day eve
Look, I knew exactly what I was doing.
More importantly, I knew exactly what you were trying to do too.
That's why I responded the way that I did.
Problem is, you niggas think you're slick........but not slick enough for me to not pick up on what y'all were trying to do.
That's why you're in your feelings now.
Simply because I didn't respond the way you thought or hoped I would.
Nice try, but you've gotta do better than that to get the results you're looking for.
Not gonna be easy though.
You know why?
Well, basically, I'm a lot better at what you're trying to do than you are.
So, for the most part, you're always gonna be on the losing end.
Take from that what you will.
And enjoy the rest of your weekend.