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FEATURED Is This Child Abuse or Good Parenting

Abuse... he was born to be a fighter so it worked out.. But, what if he didn't have that makeup. He'd be a degenerate...
I’d never talk to her ass ever. Would not get her shit.
I think they’ve made up since then. She’s been at his fights, cheering him on.

Having such a great relationship with my mom, it’s hard for me to imagine not talking to her but I get what would make you say that.
Some folks might say that Bud Crawford's mom was right because he's become a success. Some say he became a success in spite of her. This don't sound like a good parent/child relationship at all....

His trainer Firas Zahabi was offering 5K to anybody that could knock GSP during training sessions.


Doing that to your 8-9-10 years old is nuts!
So the end product is all that matters
It's not nice but it got the job done. I'm talking shit to my son when we playing against each other telling him he ain't nothing while kicking his ass in basketball. It made him more competitive
Now if she was speaking to him with anything else like that then I would say it was abuse because it would be a pattern
Did she not help him hone his skills by giving him sparring partners?

...............this gotta be a troll job

I can somewhat understand if she was your typical overbearing sports parent. But she setting up street fights for a kid, while she was probably sitting on the porch smoking her Newports and drink of choice.
...............this gotta be a troll job

I can somewhat understand if she was your typical overbearing sports parent. But she setting up street fights for a kid, while she was probably sitting on the porch smoking her Newports and drink of choice.
Would it be ok if she paid them to fight TC at the local boxing gym instead of putting on the gloves in the backyard?
It's not nice but it got the job done. I'm talking shit to my son when we playing against each other telling him he ain't nothing while kicking his ass in basketball. It made him more competitive

Saying your son is trash in basketball is trash talk. Saying your son will never win is not. But again youre just taking this stance cuz it’s the obvious wrong.
I think they’ve made up since then. She’s been at his fights, cheering him on.

Having such a great relationship with my mom, it’s hard for me to imagine not talking to her but I get what would make you say that.

Love my mom to death but I don’t think our relationship would be good after growing up like that.
She’s trash. She’s abusive. Her setting up the fights ain’t have shit to do with helping become a better boxer.

She was obviously raised in a loveless home. How do you not tell your own child you love them or are proud of them? That should come naturally.