Is this being discussed? Double Standards?

Had he did that to her...niggas would be wanting put the paws on him for hitting a woman

So...where's all the ladies at that wanna put the paws on her for hitting a man?
Mos def a double standard

Will terri bitchnigga crews speak out against this toxic femininity?
aint no one trynna help a dude with a wild chick.

most of the time niggas start to go at the dude if he cant control his chick....but i think thats some bitch shit in itself.

so those dudes get it twice as bad. and three times if the cops come and laugh at him.

this is one of the main reasons why i never jump right on a chicks side when some shit like this happens.
alot of chicks skate blame and no one calls them on it.
Let's keep it real....and you know I'm not of those "tHe PaTrIaRcHy" chicks.....but the patriarchy's inability to see women as equals is the same thing that allows women who fuck up to skate by on accountability. Think about why anything horrific happens person to person...mass killings and shit...its because the perpetrators dont see their victims as on their level. They dehumanize and devalue them so they're able to carry out whatever acts on them.

Cops and regular dudes laughing at joe for getting beat up by his girl is that same pattern. Women are seen as less than so when we do shit for better or worse, it's not treated the same.