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Is There Any Celebrity or Establishment That You've Canceled?

indeed I can agree with the underlined

but to me it doesn't make sense to act like the shit is now a problem when the same people looking at R.Kelly crazy now, were the same ones who bought albums like Chocolate Factory/Happy People

the allegations around R.Kelly were prominent even back then........it just seem like people only care now because it's popular to follows trends of cancel culture......r.kelly is on a long list of celebrities who have "allegedly" done fucked up shit

it's not mathematically possible for millennials to be in their 40s at this point.........and it just further reinforces how millennials are shallow as fuck and disingenuous..........how you in your late 30s and just now deciding to have strong opinions about where you spend your money

Gen Zers get a pass for now because of their youth/immaturity.........they are still figuring it out

Millenials are people considered born between 1980-1994. So yeah it's quite possible. When you say that it's almost like you're saying people arent allowed to grow and change their opinions based on life experiences and new information. Thats a natural part of life. I'm certain there's shit you thought was cool in your teens and early 20s that you probably look back on and now know it wasnt that bright.
And this is where i call bullshit.

There's TONS of artists that could've been cancelled in the name of "moral superiority."

The Temptations - Pretty common knowledge that David Ruffin beat Tmmi Terrell into a pulp, and maybe responsible for the brain damage that killed her.

Ray Charles - had a history of adulterous behavior and was a heroin addict for decades.

Miles Davis - Had a major history of spousal abuse to all his wives, plus was a junkie for decades.

Marvin Gaye - Do we even need to go into his history?

Teddy Pendergrass - Apparently, love the trans folk, hence partially the reason he was paralyzed. (got into a car accident while getting topped off by one)

Whitney - Cokehead supreme

Biggie - Smacked Kim around, which she already told the story on

I could keep going here, but you all get the point. This whole thing of retroactively deciding to kill artists' career to such your own moral outrage has BEEN bullshit. None of us are perfect; some of us just have fuck-ups that are more public. I don't punish ART for that. I can separate a person's work from their life, and because of that, I don't hold people to a moral barometer that I shouldn't have to.

A pastor? Yeah. Their livelihood should be based on it.

A politician? To a certain extent, yes. Part of them needing public support should be based on how they conduct themselves.

A teacher? Depends. If they're personal life strays away from their professional lives, I could give a shit what they do when there's no kids around them.

But an artist? HELL NO. Why should I give a fuck if Jimi Hendrix was tripped out on acid, if he gave us some of the greatest guitar playing ever? Prince, too, just switching acid for pills.

This is why I don't identify with Millenials and Gen Z. Gen X knows that all of us are flawed, and we're able to co-exist anyway. Not these new muhfuckas. The way they strut around, you'd think all of em have halos already.

And not one person would be considered wrong for not wanting to listen to those artists if they chose not to. Also you're missing one key component of this..a huge part of R. Kelly's music was him writing, producing and composing it all and branding it as his actual lifestyle thus making it harder to separate the artist from the music. He was writing songs about sex with underage girls. those werent grown women he was singing about.

This isnt about not being flawed. Why is it whenever someone points out a critique it means they're trying to present themselves as flawless as opposed to just pointing out something isnt right?
And not one person would be considered wrong for not wanting to listen to those artists if they chose not to. Also you're missing one key component of this..a huge part of R. Kelly's music was him writing, producing and composing it all and branding it as his actual lifestyle thus making it harder to separate the artist from the music. He was writing songs about sex with underage girls. those werent grown women he was singing about.

This isnt about not being flawed. Why is it whenever someone points out a critique it means they're trying to present themselves as flawless as opposed to just pointing out something isnt right?
aka the whatabout olympics
Does cable count? Even having amazon prime, YouTube prime, funimation, Disney + and Netflix, its still cheaper than cable.
Millenials are people considered born between 1980-1994. So yeah it's quite possible. When you say that it's almost like you're saying people arent allowed to grow and change their opinions based on life experiences and new information. Thats a natural part of life. I'm certain there's shit you thought was cool in your teens and early 20s that you probably look back on and now know it wasnt that bright.

not sure what you are arguing here, I already made the point about Gen Zers still having the opportunity to grow and mature

the definition of millenial changes based on the source...ex. the fed reserve considers 81-94 as the years

and I've see up to 84 as the start year for millenials

of course people mature........but it just seems so convenient now that people these days only cancel shit based on popular trends instead of using their own judgment
not sure what you are arguing here, I already made the point about Gen Zers still having the opportunity to grow and mature

the definition of millenial changes based on the source...ex. the fed reserve considers 81-94 as the years

and I've see up to 84 as the start year for millenials

of course people mature........but it just seems so convenient now that people these days only cancel shit based on popular trends instead of using their own judgment

Niggas only use the "popular" excuse when it's a change they dont like. How else would something in society change? The majority of people have to agree meaning it has to be the popular opinion.
The people born before the 80's (non-millenials) didn't have access to these entertainer's lives like how social media is able to do. There were a lot of things buried under the rug because at that time, it was the "norm". Times change and a lot of older people really don't like change. It was considered the norm for dudes to date underage chicks, to sexually harass in the work place or period, to make outrages comments without repercussions. Trust, there were small groups of people that did protest these things in the 60's-80's. You just didn't really hear about it because their voice was small. Add to the fact that you really only had your local news to get your info from. Social media is able to bring like minded individuals together and make their voice loud and make the world listen.

So If you don't want to give up the old music/product, cool. But if you support their new product/music/movies, you just are supporting their behavior.
Niggas only use the "popular" excuse when it's a change they dont like. How else would something in society change? The majority of people have to agree meaning it has to be the popular opinion.

so we're just going to pretend like social media isn't just an echo chamber for non-intellectual discourse

just cuz a dummy has a loud megaphone doesn't mean what he/she is saying is valid

"popular" these days is just another way of saying that mofos follow without thinking for themselves........has nothing to do with change

my point is how are mofos just now deciding to cancel r.kelly without admitting that they were still rocking with him during the whole peeing on the underage girl incident......now somebody puts out a documentary and a hashtag, and all of a sudden his music is unacceptable now in 2020?

that's all I'm saying....it shouldn't take a trend to encourage someone to make a moral decision
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The people born before the 80's (non-millenials) didn't have access to these entertainer's lives like how social media is able to do. There were a lot of things buried under the rug because at that time, it was the "norm". Times change and a lot of older people really don't like change. It was considered the norm for dudes to date underage chicks, to sexually harass in the work place or period, to make outrages comments without repercussions. Trust, there were small groups of people that did protest these things in the 60's-80's. You just didn't really hear about it because their voice was small. Add to the fact that you really only had your local news to get your info from. Social media is able to bring like minded individuals together and make their voice loud and make the world listen.

So If you don't want to give up the old music/product, cool. But if you support their new product/music/movies, you just are supporting their behavior.

u make a valid point about change and older folks unwillingness to embrace it

the reason is cuz as you get older u start to value how some things have gotten to be where they are at today

there is a such thing as too much change, especially when the perceived benefit is marginal at an extreme cost

and yeah people back then didn't have the same access to entertainer's lives, but people did know about certain shit....they just didn't care

now people get to use a phone to decide to become social justice advocates and moral leaders.......meanwhile real change of substance should come with real effort, not just twitter fingers

that's why social media is a gift and a curse.........when it's used in its best form it's def an asset

but too much bullshit is pushed on SM and stupid mofos eat that shit up.......hence cancel culture is now a thing when mofos should have already been making these types of decisions for themselves without the need for a SM trend to encourage them to take a real stance on something
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so we're just going to pretend like social media isn't just an echo chamber for non-intellectual discourse

just cuz a dummy has a loud megaphone doesn't mean what he/she is saying is valid

"popular" these days is just another way of saying that mofos follow without thinking for themselves........has nothing to do with change

my point is how are mofos just now deciding to cancel r.kelly without admitting that they were still rocking with him during the whole peeing on the underage girl incident......now somebody puts out a documentary and a hashtag, and all of a sudden his music is unacceptable now in 2020?

that's all I'm saying....it shouldn't take a trend to encourage someone to make a moral decision

Or...maybe the popular opinion is simply the right one and that's why people agree on it. There's plenty of shit we all agree is fucked up...that don't mean we're not thinking for ourselves. It means we as a society agree the shit's not the right thing to do. And people did admit they were rocking with R. Kelly. That's also a huge part of the controversy. That he got even bigger after the charges and kept making music, calling himself the Pied Piper etc...you can find plenty instances of people now questioning just how in the fuck did society allow him to get away with that for so long. Also, it's not like the heat against R. Kelly is new. It's been there for some time now and there's been people trying to get his shit boycotted before. It didn't just start with the documentary. You can actually look this shit up, it just got bigger as time went on and the new generation of music fans weren't as emotionally connected to his music like the generation before.
u make a valid point about change and older folks unwillingness to embrace it

the reason is cuz as you get older u start to value how some things have gotten to be where they are at today

there is a such thing as too much change, especially when the perceived benefit is marginal at an extreme cost

and yeah people back then didn't have the same access to entertainer's lives, but people did know about certain shit....they just didn't care

now people get to use a phone to decide to become social justice advocates and moral leaders.......meanwhile real change of substance should come with real effort, not just twitter fingers

that's why social media is a gift and a curse.........when it's used in its best form it's def an asset

but too much bullshit is pushed on SM and stupid mofos eat that shit up.......hence cancel culture is now a thing when mofos should have already been making these types of decisions for themselves without the need for a SM trend to encourage them to take a real stance on something

There's nothing wrong with trying to fight against certain changes, but when people use fucked up examples like R. Kelly it really doesn't help the point people try to make. There's plenty examples of cancel culture gone wrong...a nigga who was fucking under age girls isn't one of them and it's always amazing out of all the examples that can be found so many niggas choose to die on that specific hill.
Nah, I may have a lessened the impact of certain people/things on my personal life, but not cancelled. I like consistency and cancel culture is woefully inconsistent.
I miss the series with him and Mr Biggs...........aka Ron Isley.

I can listen to the stuff where we know he's talking to/about an adult woman.

He got too much shit where it's clear he talking to children ?

EDIT: shoulda said tolerate than listen...cuz I dont go out of my way to listen to him
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I'll admit....

I've been listening to R. Kelly's music for as far as I can remember and I'm 31. When those sex tapes first dropped I was in like 6th grade and I vividly remember them being passed around like bootleg CD's. At the time there was no way that 12 year old Los understood the magnitude of what was going on. Plus around that same time TP-2.com had dropped and buddy let me tell you somethin...........

There was no chance in hell that black people were gonna cancel that nigga after that album dropped. I mean to call Kells a musical genius is an understatement. When I found out that the nigga really couldn't read in the documentary it made his music seem even more astonishing. So most of Kelly's wrongdoings happened while I was still a kid my damn self so I couldn't look at it from the perspective as an adult. As I got older and The Chappelle skits and Boondocks shit started happening it almost seemed like it once again wasn't that big of a deal. I mean after all if the outlets that I was getting my information from could find a way to joke about the shit then it must not have been that serious right? I still remember Chappelle asking on one of his specials how young is 15 really and then showing how the media portrays black kids as opposed to white kids. It was interesting and I was still learning about the impact of these things. Then around that same time the nigga dropped Chocolate Factor and man listen........

TP-2.com and Chocolate Factory back to back during those controversies really tested black folks cancelling abilities. And that nigga won. Big. Huge. There's no way you were getting that nigga outta here after Ignition.

So fast forward to all the way up until the documentary dropped I still was listening to his music. I wasn't celebrating the nigga or stanning him but I was still playing all his shit. Once I heard about more details in the documentary like how the situation unfolded with Aaliyah and his stable of young girls I was like whoa. This ain't you typical borderline pedo shit. This nigga is truly a monster for real. And what made it worse is that every single person around knew this. None of it was new information or even information that he was trying to hide. Hell the nigga put the shit in his songs. That's the part that still makes it a lil difficult to listen to his songs man. When I heard on the documentary that the songs were written about those girls I was like damn.....this nigga had me singing along to pedo nursery rhymes and shit. When I found out that he wrote You Are Not Alone for MJ and it was a song written about a 15 year old girl that he was abusing and got pregnant and had an abortion I was like what the fuck nigga really?

Even when I try to block it out it's very hard to not listen to his lyrics and see very clearly how this song or that song was written for an underage girl who he was abusing.

So I was listening to Youtube on my TV a couple weeks ago and I was playing a bunch of 90's and early 2000's R&B joints. The auto play was on song there was always another classic cut that came on. Me and the wife were just cleaning up and organizing while the kids were playing around and all of a sudden the Ignition Remix came on after one of the videos played. We immediately looked up at each other like Oh Shit. Nigga that intro to the Ignition Remix is fucking fierce. I dare you to sit still. Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce!!!!!!! Bounce, bounce, bounce!!!!!!! Nigga my kids started dancing and my wife went in the kitchen to pretend like she was taking out the trash. I was looking for my phone to turn the song off but for some reason it took a long time for me to find it. Bout 4 minutes lololololol. The look on our faces when we heard the beat drop was like an oh shit what the fuck are we gonna do as face.

The niggas music is so good that every time I see somebody make a counter argument to cancelling him I turn into a both sides as nigga lolololol. And I hate that I do that shit but for some reason cancelling R. Kelly feels way different that any other artist.
Bump n grind
Your body's callin
Anything with aaliyah in it

That's just off the top of my head. But anything where dont explicitly mention adult responsibilities....like a job or somethin I shut it down lol

The entire "Age Ain't Nothin But A Number" album just seems so disturbing for a grown man to be writing for a teenage girl