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Is the caste system bad i don't get why some diss it? every nation on this planet has it


New Member
The caste system is this it is so simple

U have the priests, the military and police, the business men and woman and finally people working in service

Every nation on earth has this it's just in so called Hinduism texts/scripture which existed 1000's of years before there ever was a Torah or Bible or Quran. It was simply written that there will be this

U choose which of these u fall into based on your action, talent and desire for what u wanna do. It is so simple



Yeah... I'm not engaging in any sort of a discussion like this with you, Shady. How am I supposed to have a serious discussion about y'alls caste system when your people can't figure out how to shit or piss in a toilet? You figured out the rules for society but can't figure out where to relieve yourselves???

In every country in the world Brazil, Nigeria, England, Saudi Arabia every country there u gonna have a % of people that poop on the floor are back wards, uneducated
U can't offend me with that

... said @Starbucks, satisfied with her harsh takedown of the American poster. However, due to her diet of grease and spices, she had to shit for the 11th time today. She quickly ran to her favorite window (her only window) in her 10x7 foot apartment in Bangalangalololololarahsabad, stood on a plastic crate she found floating in the river, and shoved her rear end out of the open window. Hardly before her knock-off designer pants cleared the way, her block-like cheeks parted and jettisoned the leftovers of her mother's saag paneer out onto the street, scalding a 45lb starving 14 year old urchin and desecrating a statue of an effeminate man with a lion face and 8 arms. Starbucks sighed, and wiped the excess feces from her anus and cleaned her hand with a quick wipe on the the inside of the window pane. "Good enough" she thought. Little did she know, the thread she created was quickly filling with humorous comments...
... said @Starbucks, satisfied with her harsh takedown of the American poster. However, due to her diet of grease and spices, she had to shit for the 11th time today. She quickly ran to her favorite window (her only window) in her 10x7 foot apartment in Bangalangalololololarahsabad, stood on a plastic crate she found floating in the river, and shoved her rear end out of the open window. Hardly before her knock-off designer pants cleared the way, her block-like cheeks parted and jettisoned the leftovers of her mother's saag paneer out onto the street, scalding a 45lb starving 14 year old urchin and desecrating a statue of an effeminate man with a lion face and 8 arms. Starbucks sighed, and wiped the excess feces from her anus and cleaned her hand with a quick wipe on the the inside of the window pane. "Good enough" she thought. Little did she know, the thread she created was quickly filling with humorous comments...


^^^ from there. Wasn't gonna post the pic 'cause of the "filthy indian" shits (I just like poking fun at Starbucks but I ain't going that far) but the last response was humorous on its own.

4chan humor...makes sense now smh
U are a racist @konceptjones u can't make fun of me i am not ashamed nor while ever shy away from my faith

Now Indian culture good or bad is different to the spiritual aspect i'm not attached to no Indian culture in the sense of Bollywood for example like that. But this thread about the caste system which was revealed by God all mighty in the Gita scripture i will not shy away or be embarassed about God's laws and revelation

U are trying to hijack a perfectly good thread and discussion on the caste system that humanity needs as we have the military for example in every nation
U are a racist @konceptjones u can't make fun of me i am not ashamed nor while ever shy away from my faith

Now Indian culture good or bad is different to the spiritual aspect i'm not attached to no Indian culture in the sense of Bollywood for example like that. But this thread about the caste system which was revealed by God all mighty in the Gita scripture i will not shy away or be embarassed about God's laws and revelation

U are trying to hijack a perfectly good thread and discussion on the caste system that humanity needs as we have the military for example in every nation

Black people cannot be racist. Prejudice, bigot? Why, yes. Please use words that you’re familiar with by the current, updated, non-conlonial and non-white gaze definition. Words are dynamic, and their definitions are constantly being modified to contemporary language to fit social structures of its time. :)
Black people cannot be racist. Prejudice, bigot? Why, yes. Please use words that you’re familiar with by the current, updated, non-conlonial and non-white gaze definition. Words are dynamic, and their definitions are constantly being modified to contemporary language to fit social structures of its time. :)

The guy posted a pic celebrating the colonization of India

U defending him simply because he the same ethnicity as u? that's sad and lame
U are a racist @konceptjones u can't make fun of me i am not ashamed nor while ever shy away from my faith

Now Indian culture good or bad is different to the spiritual aspect i'm not attached to no Indian culture in the sense of Bollywood for example like that. But this thread about the caste system which was revealed by God all mighty in the Gita scripture i will not shy away or be embarassed about God's laws and revelation

U are trying to hijack a perfectly good thread and discussion on the caste system that humanity needs as we have the military for example in every nation


A racist has the ability to oppress. I, nor any other Black person outside of Africa has the ability to oppress anyone. Culturally, your people ARE, however, racists from your beloved Mahatma Ghandi, who as a lawyer in South Africa referred to Africans as "Kaffirs", a derogatory term akin to a white American calling us "niggers".


On top of that, your people are STILL racist towards Africans in India:




... and then we come to YOU. You, who apes Black American culture, who celebrates Black youth that sell drugs and are violent. You who perpetuates the very stereotypes whites have used against us to treat us like sub-humans, you relish in it, you smile when a Black man from your hood takes the life of another Black man. You're a walking caricature of Black people. You believe everything criminal equates to Black folks and mimic what you see from your hat down to your shoes


^^^ Remember that shit? YOU posted that up. You wanna-be-Black-until-the-peelers-come-around ass hoe.

FOH talkin about some "Das raycist" bullshit.
The guy posted a pic celebrating the colonization of India

U defending him simply because he the same ethnicity as u? that's sad and lame

You're an idiot, you know that. The pic ain't celebrating colonial rule, it's showing what India did under Muslim rule, European colonial rule, and self rule.
U are a racist @konceptjones u can't make fun of me i am not ashamed nor while ever shy away from my faith

Now Indian culture good or bad is different to the spiritual aspect i'm not attached to no Indian culture in the sense of Bollywood for example like that. But this thread about the caste system which was revealed by God all mighty in the Gita scripture i will not shy away or be embarassed about God's laws and revelation

U are trying to hijack a perfectly good thread and discussion on the caste system that humanity needs as we have the military for example in every nation

Maybe if you actually understood what a caste system is you'd know it's some bullshit that no place on earth "needs". In America, and the rest of the civilized world, a man can go from nothing to being a head of state. We have the ability to transcend bullshit like your caste system. No human being should ever be considered "untouchable", but your people believe this has a place in modern society. We regularly have people that come from the ghettos of the world pull themselves out of their surroundings to make something of themselves, in your caste system this wouldn't be possible. Under a rigid caste system like India had years ago, KR Narayanan would have never been elected President in '97 as he comes from the "untouchable" class of people.

No. There's nothing to debate here, caste systems have no place on this planet. Any person with a shred of intelligence and human decency would know this.
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