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Is naming a boy anything past the third weird or nah?

Idk, but naming a whole human after yourself is weird as fuck to me.

Im not juding anyone, but im personally never naming my kid after myself or anyone I know.

You're not naming the kid after you. You're preserving the history of your family and those that came before you. I could've named my son whatever I wanted and I would've been the last one of my name but that means the history of that name and that legacy would've ended with me. I don't think that would've been fair to those that came before me.
You're not naming the kid after you. You're preserving the history of your family and those that came before you. I could've named my son whatever I wanted and I would've been the last one of my name but that means the history of that name and that legacy would've ended with me. I don't think that would've been fair to those that came before me.

You also putting a weight on your son. Now he gotta live up to the legacy.

Plus after 2 generations, the history becomes meaningless. Your grandkid already only has 25% of your blood. Great grand kids got like 12.5%.

Shit becomes super meaningless in no time flat.

To me, a shit ton of ego goes behind naming your kid after yourself.

Thats me though. And im a Jr btw. But I was named after my grandfather, so its a bit better.

Im not juding anyone who does this. The shit just not for me.
Plus after 2 generations, the history becomes meaningless. Your grandkid already only has 25% of your blood. Great grand kids got like 12.5%.

Shit becomes super meaningless in no time flat.

Wouldn't this make the name more meaningful though? Since the name will be the only thing that can be shared for generations right?
Wouldn't this make the name more meaningful though? Since the name will be the only thing that can be shared for generations right?

Not to me. Why do I care about a mfer carrying my name when in 5 generations from now that person has no clue that I ever existed?

Again though, thats me. I really dont want it to sound like im shitting on anyone who they gave their name to their kid.

I respect it. Like I said, its just not for me, the reasons why its not for me are only applicable to me.
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You're not naming the kid after you. You're preserving the history of your family and those that came before you. I could've named my son whatever I wanted and I would've been the last one of my name but that means the history of that name and that legacy would've ended with me. I don't think that would've been fair to those that came before me.

How would the history have ended with you? Serious question. By the very definition of history, you naming your kids whatever you want to name him won't affect that. As far as legacy, whatever else you're trying to pass down to your children isn't attached to the name.
Yall making it deeper then it should be. What does pressure have too do with anything? People are going to know who your son still. No one is forcing their son to name their son the same name. So if your dad was popular like mike jordan, and he didnt name you after him, there is no pressure?
Keeping the same name is cool. Should have named my son after me so I could call him Trae lol.
Im a Jr.

my oldest son is not named after me

my youngest son has my middle name

I dont have a great relationship with my biological father and a lot of negative things are attached to the name he gave me

I stopped that didnt wanna pass that legacy on

I was kinda apprehensive about giving my youngest the middle name to be honest
How would the history have ended with you? Serious question. By the very definition of history, you naming your kids whatever you want to name him won't affect that. As far as legacy, whatever else you're trying to pass down to your children isn't attached to the name.

I used to ask that same question when I was a kid. I told my father when I was like 10 that if I had a son I was gonna name him something different. He told me to go tell my grandfather that and when I brought it up to my grandfather he started to explain our whole family history.

My grandfather was real big into ancestory.com and tracing our family history and all that jazz. He was very involved with our family reunion association (that shit is big business lol) and all that type of stuff so he showed me all of our family history dating all the way back to slavery and like 1809.

So he has these books and documents with everybody's name and their parents, kids, siblings, birthplace, all of that. So even while I was looking at that I still wondered what does our name have to do with it and that's when I noticed the names.

Most of the black people in America have what many of us would consider to be slave names. Meaning we were basically named after our slave masters or plantation owners last names like Williams, Jones, Davis, etc. Well my name is pretty unique. It's a spanish name and not a traditional slave plantation name. Now of course we all know that there were still slaves in the islands and in South America (The ones who got dropped off early before hitting what is now The United States) so not having a slave name doesn't mean you weren't a descendent of slaves. Which in my case, my family matriarch was a lady named Emma Fox who was the daughter of a Cherokee Indian and a Black Slave Girl.

This is her


There's a whole family lineage and a ton of information about her and all of the other ancestors. But what I noticed is through all of those years only one name still remains and it's mine.

So it's not so much about the legacy being gone of the name doesn't get carried on as it more about understanding that because of our history as Black people in this country our names have been the only thing in some cases that we can actually preserve for generations because honestly there's not a whole lot of history for us in this country to even hold our heads up high about. Especially considering how we got here and were re-named in the first place.
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Im a Jr.

my oldest son is not named after me

my youngest son has my middle name

I dont have a great relationship with my biological father and a lot of negative things are attached to the name he gave me

I stopped that didnt wanna pass that legacy on

I was kinda apprehensive about giving my youngest the middle name to be honest

Both me and my wife have father's who many would consider to be dead beat dads yet we still ended up naming 2 of our 4 sons after both of them lol. It's fucked up but their names actually fit with the theme we were going with and made a lot of sense. It just sucks that both of our dads were on some fuck shit lololololol.

This is fucking terrible lololololololololololol
Im a Jr.

my oldest son is not named after me

my youngest son has my middle name

I dont have a great relationship with my biological father and a lot of negative things are attached to the name he gave me

I stopped that didnt wanna pass that legacy on

I was kinda apprehensive about giving my youngest the middle name to be honest
This is me
i got arrested under a warrant for my dad before

im sittin the back of the car and another cop walks up and looks inside......he was like nah this guy was born in like '63

they checked my id, I told them i was Jr, they let me go
i got arrested under a warrant for my dad before

im sittin the back of the car and another cop walks up and looks inside......he was like nah this guy was born in like '63

they checked my id, I told them i was Jr, they let me go

I have all kinds of stories like this. especially since between me, my father, and my grandfather, my dad was the "bad" one.

And both of them muthafuckas worked in law enforcement for some time.
  • Ether
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If my first name didn’t get me mistaken for a white bitch all the time I’d make my son a Jr. But I couldn’t even do lil buddy dirty like that
I feel like u gotta be a tad self-absorbed and ego tripping to name ur kid after urself. As if ur genes and DNA passed on to ur lil one isn't quite enough for legacy's sake.
I feel like u gotta be a tad self-absorbed and ego tripping to name ur kid after urself. As if ur genes and DNA passed on to ur lil one isn't quite enough for legacy's sake.

I don’t understand why y’all saying this.

it’s actually lazy as fuck to name your kid after you. But like I said. I think it’s cool