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Is naming a boy anything past the third weird or nah?

Damn,I just remember, George foreman got like 5 sons. I forgot what he used to call them

His five sons are George Jr., George III("Monk"), George IV ("Big Wheel"), George V ("Red"), and George VI ("Little Joey"). On his website, Foreman explains, "I named all my sons George Edward Foreman so they would always have something in common. I say to them, 'If one of us goes up, then we all go up together, and if one goes down, we all go down together!'"
My thoughts with my children are my kids are their own individuals. We only get one life, it would be selfish of me to impose myself on their once in the lifetime presence. When I die I won’t be here no more, I want their memories of me to be more important than the constructs I leave behind.
I’m a JR.

After my son was born. A few weeks later I kinda wish i would have named him after me. Last year he told me he should have been named after me. For like 2 weeks he told me call him Dwayne lol

Can’t be having all the kids named after you though lol. House full of boys and all the same name lol
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Ok so if each generation has a son I could see this but if you as a generation have like 4 boys and all of them have the same name, and you have to make up names to differentiate them, why not just give them different names at birth?
Lol, that is what I said. I wouldnt name all my boys the same name. It can get confusing. I like the idea of each generation having the number go up. II, III, IV etc. Just seems cool and you can go back to and track your past family.
im a Jr and would have kept it alive if I had a son

i think its dope to show your family has stayed together and true to a tradition over so many generations

and its also cool if you dont do it lol
His five sons are George Jr., George III("Monk"), George IV ("Big Wheel"), George V ("Red"), and George VI ("Little Joey"). On his website, Foreman explains, "I named all my sons George Edward Foreman so they would always have something in common. I say to them, 'If one of us goes up, then we all go up together, and if one goes down, we all go down together!'"

That’s wack reasoning lol
I'm cool on any more males named after me. We can have the same initials though
My cousin, his daddy and granddaddy is named after his great grandfather

all of them stay in the same house, they argue about mail lol
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Keep the legacy alive.

Not with the same first name though. It does become lame after a 3rd. My pops did something different in that he had a 2 part middle name, so he gave me and my brothers his 2nd middle name. Example...
Pops - John Jacob Jones Smith
Bro 1 - whatever whatever Jones Smith
Bro 2 - whatever whatever Jones Smith
Me - whatever whatever Jones Smith

It's not a hyphenated last name, i think his pops started it and he rolled with it. Keeps the legacy alive, but the youngins do keep some individuality.
my brothers the 4th, I'm a OG

my mom told me I woulda been the 4th but pops said the 1st born son will be named after him

but the funniest shit is I look exactly like my dad lol
I'm the 6th. My son is the 7th. My father is the 5th. My grandfather who passed away in December was the 4th. His father who was my great grandfather was the 3rd. His father was the 2nd and his father was the first.

Same exact name.
Idk, but naming a whole human after yourself is weird as fuck to me.

Im not juding anyone, but im personally never naming my kid after myself or anyone I know.