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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

nah. lol. we would have found evidence of foreign nationals trying to interfere with our elections to get HER into office, not the opposite if that was the case. Foreign Leaders like Putin and Kim would prefer Trump since he’s more easily handled. Trump’s ethics are unsound, his motives are based on personal pride and his morals are unsound, which makes him corruptible since he’s not above doing/saying anything to get the outcome he wants. It’s the same kind of work Satan does, except Trump is way less smooth with it. 😩
Kamala Harris is damn near Sarah Palin dumb🤷🏾‍♂️
What I’m talking about is well beyond my control

My feelings aren’t relevant either

We have a 2 horse system
Stop playing with me yo.

You're not being real with yaself if you telling me about polls and a rout against Trump.🤨
What’s your question?
😐Ayo please stop it with these lame ass deflecting abw tactics yo
That shit don't work on me... Aight?
You know what the fuck the question was.
But you gave me a lame answer about polls and a rout when I showed you alarming evidence that will carry on to the debate.
😐Ayo please stop it with these lame ass deflecting abw tactics yo
That shit don't work on me... Aight?
You know what the fuck the question was.
But you gave me a lame answer about polls and a rout when I showed you alarming evidence that will carry on to the debate.
I answered your question but you keep pressing, so now I’m asking what your new question is
You gonna post the hundreds of videos of Obama switching his accent next?
@Rubato, I know you’ll be receptive to this cuz you're one of the few abw Democrats who have displayed INTEGRITY with your support, you and Taboo off the head. Not here tho

Kamala has your vote locked. Just because you're voting for her why do you then have to make excuses for bullshit she does and says? You're conflating your support of her with innocence of the allegations. How come your position can't be Kamala over Trump but Kamala is the piece of shit niggas say she is? You knows she's guilty of everything she's accused of, let alone the fake blaccent. And no nigga, thats not code switching, that is the antithesis of code switching. Code switching is for white ears and eyes, not ours. She was pandering to her black audience. The same black audience she refuses to create policy for.



If black Americans are accusing her of a fake black accent, why is it your place to cape? Why would you defend the woman displayed in the pictures below if she's accused of phony? Some of us find that highly offensive bruh. Those of us who really care about us are turned off by that. Its super insulting and you know it


The CONSENSUS of Kamala Harris is she's phony as fuck, a bedwench cop, cackling hypocrite, habitual LIAR, disrespectful panderer.... and she tried to put my personal friend in prison who ended up with probation. These are Facts. You can vote for her while acknowledging these facts. She's not worthy of any defense from black people. She's Evil. Just cast your damn ballot
@Disanthrope I never gave any indication I was voting for her and that’s my not plan. You lost me there so I didn’t read the rest of your post. I’m just aware of my limited influence so I’m not fighting what we all see coming.
@Disanthrope I never gave any indication I was voting for her and that’s my not plan. You lost me there so I didn’t read the rest of your post. I’m just aware of my limited influence so I’m not fighting what we all see coming.
Well that's a relief

The crux of the post is you defending the blaccent

She's guilty. Retire the cape
So niggas just “decided” Harris accent was “fake”. I can’t stand when people do that how you know her accent is fake unless you have a fake one?
I remember when I worked at a bar long ago with a coworker who I noticed had a straight up Brit accent when he talked to his tables and then moments away from them a typical white American accent came out. I still never assumed his accent was “fake” I just assumed it came in an out sometimes. lol.

Anyway a lot of the criticism I see online against Harris by black people betrays good sensibility. Like I can tell a lot of it comes off as regurgitated, not like that of someone who composed their own thoughts.
So niggas just “decided” Harris accent was “fake”. I can’t stand when people do that how you know her accent is fake unless you have a fake one?
I don't like to be hustled yo.

Democratic pandering and these Black boule sell out shills have judas type characteristics to me.

No bueno
I don't like to be hustled yo.

Democratic pandering and these Black boule sell out shills have judas type characteristics to me.

No bueno
I get that, and I dislike pandering. But I’ll give her benefit of the reasonable doubt, I don’t think she’s pandering, I believe she’s sincere. Everybody not able to come off presidential while also embodying that raw, no-nonsense authenticity and do it perfectly to a completely diverse audience like that all the time. I feel like some of us might be going too hard at her about stuff like that. She need time to grow into the role and to fine tune her “voice”. She’s not First Lady Michelle for example and she shouldn’t be held to that.
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