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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

Tether, you don't know what work I do. You'll say anything to justify supporting the anti black. I put dollars on shit. None you niggas take from your video game budgets to donate to black cause. All you pick up pom poms and shame the descendants of the people who fought for immigrants to be here in the 60s

The more niggas from immigrant backgrounds wag their fingers at us the more I know I'm right. The Democrats benefit immigrants at the expense of black Americans. You don't a shit about that Fact. You just want us to be as obedient as yall will always be
I vote we ban the word “tether.”

Shit is burnt up in damn near record time.

You fuckin fraud.

You’ve been the most all-talk, no-action muhfucka on here.

Literally, ALL you’ve done is run your bigoted ass keyboard on this shit. You couldn’t even answer @Los216 inquiry about reparations for your own city, while simultaneously insulting everyone else for not championing your ineptitude.

Fake-ass Wotep. Hypocrite. Get the fuck on.

You fuckin fraud.

You’ve been the most all-talk, no-action muhfucka on here.

Literally, ALL you’ve done is tuning your bigoted ass keyboard on this shit. You couldn’t even answer @Los216 inquiry about reparations for your own city.

Fake-ass Wotep. Get the fuck on.
You Abw niggas really wanna tapdance in peace and not be labeled

You're a documented coon

House nigga you are the white man's bitch. You are beholden to the cac, not me.

I don't get up every morning and kiss pale white ass, agree with all their views, fake laugh at their corny jokes and inhale their coffee breath

You do.

LOL. When in doubt, right?

You know that pic doesn't mean shit.

Next time you post that one, post this one too....


and this one...


And especially this one.....since you'll never get to this level.

Woteps stay talking and never doing....