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is it time to get over slavery?

Didn’t watch the vid so going strictly on thread title. I think we shouldn’t let the fact we went through it hold us back. I don’t think many of us do anyway but still.

But we should never stop demanding we be recompensed for all the damage it’s done to us.

I say in about 200 years or so maybe we can get over it.
Not gone lie to you race, that’s a painful video to watch. None them seems to have a idea of what they wanted to express or say in a way that was personal to them. It was like all of them put on their own personal version of the smartest versions of themselves then spoke from that point of view. And everytime it looked like actual thoughts and feels we’re gonna happen, someone else started talking to deflect from the tension that was arising. I don’t know if they edited that way to make it more cohesive cause I’m sure that bunch rambled a lot. But it all seemed so forced.
even if we did they always remind us around black history month with those slave movies

The actions of racist are like that of a people that intend to bring back slave times in any of it's forms.
None of the discrimination we face is new, it's just a different technology.

Meanwhile, black people have been trying to keep racism in the past for centuries.
Every accomplishment we made was in defiance of slavery and is proof of that.
It is racist white society that hasn't let go of the past, hence Make America Great Again.
They want their antebellum/Jim Crow racial paradise back.
In what sense? The beginning of black suffering in the New World was the slave trade and all the immorality and racism that fueled it gave way to other forms of discriminatory attitudes and racial law that destroyed black freedom. Generations of abuse stem back to the slave trade. If we can agree some of the modern issues facing the black community are rooted in this foul treatment, it's still worth revisiting. U can't really discuss social issues in depth without historical context. Native Canadians suffer the most of any ethnic group within my country and they were/are treated like shit too.

When ppl claim the opposite they're either ignorant of history, insensitive, can't put themselves in others shoes or following the privileged line of "stfu, work hard and pull urself up, no excuses". If only it were that simple.
"Get over slavery" is also cutural hypocrisy.
Rarely, perhaps never, are others groups told to get over their historical, heinous, cultural, global influencing, and ongoing trauma.
It's also not logical as the point of learning history should be to not repeat the mistakes of the past.
Acting like the past didn't happen, while still enabling the factors of the problem that gave the past result, signals intention to repeat that result.

This isn't the usual expression of taking the L and learning from it.
Racist America wants to whitewash itself of wrongdoing and use our ignorance against us.
All while they repeat the same tactics they want us to forget.
I'll get over slavery when they get over racism. Neither one is gonna happen. Gimme my reparations and I might forget about it for 5 minutes.

Shit. They even gave the Japanese Americans some paper for putting them in camps after Pearl Harbor. Pay me what you owe.
People always talk about slavery and make the argument that it was so long ago that it doesn't affect us anymore.

Ok, forget about slavery.

What about everything else that happened to us over the past 50-60 years?

The redlining for housing..............not giving black vets all the full benefits of the G.I. bill.............Rosewood...........Black Walllstreet..............all those lynchings in the south..............segregation...........interstate 95 being built to run right through black neighborhoods..............Central Park being built for the same thing...........

What about all that?
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