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is it time to get over slavery?

People always talk about slavery and make the argument that it was so long ago that it doesn't affect us anymore.

Ok, forget about slavery.

What about everything else that happened to us over the past 50-60 years?

The redlining for housing..............not giving black vets all the full benefits of the G.I. bill.............Rosewood...........Black Walllstreet..............all those lynchings in the south..............segregation...........interstate 95 being built to run right through black neighborhoods..............Central Park being built for the same thing...........

What about all that?
They claim that doesn't happen anymore and you can just move somewhere else in the country yadda yadda. As long as you make good decisions you can never be oppressed or some white nonsense
Waiting for them to use black peoples mistrust of the vaccination to discriminate and keep them out of public places and jobs.

No vaccination card. No entrance.
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Didn’t watch the vid so going strictly on thread title. I think we shouldn’t let the fact we went through it hold us back. I don’t think many of us do anyway but still.

But we should never stop demanding we be recompensed for all the damage it’s done to us.

I say in about 200 years or so maybe we can get over it.
I don’t really care about reactions, but I am genuinely curious as to why @Ccslim and @Race Jones no-signed this post.

For discourse only, not to start shit.
I don’t really care about reactions, but I am genuinely curious as to why @Ccslim and @Race Jones no-signed this post.

For discourse only, not to start shit.

We as black people should never get over it, yea maybe we dont have to paint all white people as evil because of something they didn't do. However they have to stop denying the effects its still on black people: with the way laws are written, policing, voting and our unability to build generational wealth. Until we get a fair shake and get some type of financial reparations (it doesnt have to be checks it can be done in other ways) we can't get over it.

Also America is still white washing slavery. The way they treat the holocaust is how they should treat slavery. It's some horrific things than happen thats not taught
Hope they have the same smoke for the Holocaust

Well there's people who truly believe the Holocaust either didn't happen or was greatly overexaggerated so you can find any group of idiots that will support any thought.

As for the video itself Black people can never get over slavery because it had such a strong hand in shaping the modern world we live in. There's reminders literally every single day of slavery so nah...it will never be gotten over
We as black people should never get over it, yea maybe we dont have to paint all white people as evil because of something they didn't do. However they have to stop denying the effects its still on black people: with the way laws are written, policing, voting and our unability to build generational wealth. Until we get a fair shake and get some type of financial reparations (it doesnt have to be checks it can be done in other ways) we can't get over it.

Also America is still white washing slavery. The way they treat the holocaust is how they should treat slavery. It's some horrific things than happen thats not taught
I feel you, and agree, which is why I said maybe in 200 years or so.

Thanks though, I was just curious.
I'm pretty sure we are over slavery. If it wasn't for the continued bullshit after slavery that caused us to remain second class citizens, slavery would probably have been relegated to the history books right now. Black people can't get past slavery because white people can't get past the fact that they had to let us go.
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Absolutely not.

That said my issue with the way slavery is handled alot these days is the half assed way its exploited and weaponized by major institutions.

Here's an example: Hollywood

It wasnt too long ago that movie theaters, video stores, and cable networks needed content. This gave black directors and writers the opportunity to make movies and tv shows dealing with a wide variety of topics.

Now that everything we view is perfectly recorded, aggregated and analyzed, hollywood essentially satifies their self fulfilling prophecy. In order to stay woke and deny all claims of racism, these white, high minded, extremely liberal hollywood execs put out over the top content to let you know how down they are. And there is always some black writer or producer chuckin to play their game.

And whats the most extreme instance of "black pain" they can come up with...slavery.