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Is It Foul To Approach A Chick Pushin A Stroller?

Is It Foul?

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I answered the question (which @Goldie said he'd like to hear answers from women, too) with my take, and then remembered the time when I saw it play out with my own eyes.

I never said shit about the demeanor or language of the guy approaching. I generally spoke on the notion of approaching someone while they are pushing a stroller. which imo is a step above approaching someone 9 months pregnant.

to me, the approach is just gonna be different levels on the same escalator of disrespect regardless. your mileage may vary.
trini, thats a terrible comparison lol
it's not her fault........i blame all the niggaz who holla'd at trini like they don't got no damn sense
thats not even her point

she is saying that under no circumstances if you see a female out pushing a stroller, should you shoot your shot
i mean one could always communicate the shit out the gate

plus it helps to smile while you're talking
"excuse me miss, if i'm out of line, i promise i'll leave you alone, because i see you with the little one. but i was hoping i could have a word with u for a second.....if u don't mind of course"

if she says, naw..tell her to have a nice day, smile again.......and keep it moving.....
if she smiles back and says something like "oh no it's no bother"

shoot ur shot....
see, a guy who said this wouldn't get a lesson in response. just "yes, this isn't an appropriate time. take care now". I have more respect for the strangers in the street (political campaigners, sales agents, folks handing out flyers, whatever) who 1st acknowledge that they're likely interrupting you, esp. if you seem busy. I'd of course prefer they didn't do it at all, but at least they picked a less annoying approach.
trini, thats a terrible comparison lol
people were asked for their opinions, I answered. this is why I wear a decoy ring, varying opinions of when it's appropriate to approach and I aint got time to deal with it.

most in this thread agree with you, why does it matter that I don't?
see, a guy who said this wouldn't get a lesson in response. just "yes, this isn't an appropriate time. take care now". I have more respect for the strangers in the street (political campaigners, sales agents, folks handing out flyers, whatever) who 1st acknowledge that they're likely interrupting you, esp. if you seem busy. I'd of course prefer they didn't do it at all, but at least they picked a less annoying approach.

people were asked for their opinions, I answered. this is why I wear a decoy ring, varying opinions of when it's appropriate to approach and I aint got time to deal with it.

most in this thread agree with you, why does it matter that I don't?

we're just having a back and forth discussion trini

but if you feel that you are being antagonized or attacked, then i will stop

i just didnt understand the parallels you were trying to draw with being out pushing a stroller as a woman and having a guy approach you with the intention of shooting his shot. That's all
thats not even her point

she is saying that under no circumstances if you see a female out pushing a stroller, should you shoot your shot
cuz every shot she done seent was ridiculously inappropriate....

she prolly thinking of a nigga hangin out the window like


"aye lightskin!!!!!! lemme holla holla holla holla "
see, a guy who said this wouldn't get a lesson in response. just "yes, this isn't an appropriate time. take care now". I have more respect for the strangers in the street (political campaigners, sales agents, folks handing out flyers, whatever) who 1st acknowledge that they're likely interrupting you, esp. if you seem busy. I'd of course prefer they didn't do it at all, but at least they picked a less annoying approach.

people were asked for their opinions, I answered. this is why I wear a decoy ring, varying opinions of when it's appropriate to approach and I aint got time to deal with it.

most in this thread agree with you, why does it matter that I don't?
it's not her fault........i blame all the niggaz who holla'd at trini like they don't got no damn sense
cuz every shot she done sent was ridiculously inappropriate....

she prolly thinking of a nigga hangin out the window like


"aye lightskin!!!!!! lemme holla holla holla holla "
lol you actually couldn't be further from the truth with this assumption.

I don't get disrespectfully (by y'alls standards) hollered at often. I can count on one hand the number of times it's been overtly rude shit in my life. I consider the "hey girl, how's your day going?"s in the street to be annoying though, cause it means I gotta quicken my pace or otherwise adjust my behavior.

as a living breathing woman tho, getting interrupted when you're minding your own business and likely running errands is part of life and not one of the good parts. it's energy consuming enough to have to address that and keep moving. to have them do that when u got a kid with you tho? that disgusts me, before we even get to the point of just how disrespectful they were with it. to me, it isn't a question of whether it's disrespectful but how.

to you, it's about how it's communicated and that's cool.
we're just having a back and forth discussion trini

but if you feel that you are being antagonized or attacked, then i will stop

i just didnt understand the parallels you were trying to draw with being out pushing a stroller as a woman and having a guy approach you with the intention of shooting his shot. That's all
nah I don't feel attacked, we cool as always. I just didn't get why 7 out of 8 ppl on here thinking its aight isn't enough lol

I wish men wouldn't do this, but there are women out there who are aight with it depending on the details of the approach. so I see why they'd do it when there's a chance it might be successful. I haven't seen it play out successfully, but I'm gonna assume it does.

I'm not one of them and just like I don't appreciate being sexualized when I'm doing a presentation at work, I wouldn't appreciate being sexualized while pushing a stroller. it's an inappropriate context to me, and I don't want to deal with a guy that thinks that's okay.

the universe tends to be harmonious with these things tho, so I'm sure the guys that think it's okay probably wouldn't wanna deal with me either if they got to know me. it evens out.
lol, that reminds me of how this one female friend of mines was on facebook was like

"how do dudes think saying to a chick "u look like u smoke weed" is a flattering approach?"

i was like "cuz the chick who says "i do, thanks for noticing" might be fuckign that same night...he took his shot"

hilarity ensued
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take
tbh as long as he takes the "no" in stride and keeps it moving, it's whatever. I'll forget about it by the end of the day.

if he tries to bargain "come on we can just talk, it doesn't have to be that deep, what's your name?" and continue to claim my time, then I'm probably gonna say something slick as I power walk forth and proceed to rant about that pest to my girl later that night.
lol, that reminds me of how this one female friend of mines was on facebook was like

"how do dudes think saying to a chick "u look like u smoke weed" is a flattering approach?"

i was like "cuz the chick who says "i do, thanks for noticing" might be fuckign that same night...he took his shot"

hilarity ensued
lmao @ getting that often. maybe she got red eyes and they really weren't shooting their shot?
Just use common sense and be respectful. If she looks like she got her hands full keep it moving. I try not to be rude when approached even if I don't want to be bothered.