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OPINION Is forcing your child to eat a sign of child abuse?

I don't have kids but they will have to finish the plate. #NoFoodLeftBehind#. I used to go crazy when my nephew didn't want to finish his food. If a kid ask for something then they are most definitely going to finish it.

I get mine to eat their veggie snacks by getting the low fat Olive Garden dressing and putting 2 tablespoons over it..
I do not force my child to eat anything that she doesn’t want to eat, period and I won’t start. I ask her what she would like from a few choices and she will tell me what she wants.
And my daughter will ask for green beans for dinner many times so hey lol.
I don't know if it's child abuse, but I remember one day my dad yelled at me and forced me to eat some shit at a family friend's house. I ended up throwing up, he made me finish the plate. I'll never forget how awful I felt. I also know that respect is treating others how you want to be treated: if he were in a nursing home and didn't want to eat some shit and I made him eat it, using a threat of violence to coerce him to do it, he would not have appreciated it.

Simple answer: no. My kid can come back down and eat it if he gets hungry later. Im not making two dinners, but he has a right to control wtf he puts in his mouth.
Nursing home is different.
That person lived their life and earned the right to make choices.
I'm a proponent of cleaning your plate, but sometimes they just take too long and end up going to bed.

They always want dessert though (fruit cups or applesauce) so they gotta finish everything to get that. My oldest know the deal, but my baby... after she see her sister got dessert she think she gonna get some too. She learning
Nursing home is different.
That person lived their life and earned the right to make choices.

If a right can be earned then it can be lost. Long as I foot the fucking bill I'll walk up in that nursing home and beat my dad's ass if he doesn't eat his fucking broccoli. Idgaf what he thinks he can do or what the other old folks are eating, my money my rules. He dont like it then it's la correa. If he cries to the staff he gets it even worse, snitch ass punk
The fact that most ppl don't see children as unique individual beings is scary to me

The fact that a child can't know and decide what they like and don't like is scary to me
I always get them to try something before saying they don't like it or want it. We were at one of those longhorn steakhouse type restaurants, and she's been on this macaroni phase. I try to tell her to order based on the restaurant (steak at a steakhouse, seafood at a seafood place instead of always going for the pizza or mac and cheese) so we order her steak bites. She is literally at the table crying "I don't like steak"

Long story short, she loves steak now, and we always reference that story when she say I don't want/i don't like

They both eat veggies; broccoli, green beans, sweet potatoes, corn, asparagus (last night that was her favorite vegetable list)

Something that really helped was ketchup. I let her put it on whatever if it will help her eat it. She been eating ketchup on broccoli for years
But they still children, sometimes they don't have enough experience to know what they like or don't like

See my post above for a perfect example
And sometimes.....they do

Idk bruh, I am step away from the convo
I guess there can be extreme cases^ but I didnt think so at all coming in here

mine know they have to finish or they dont get desert or anything else....which usually isnt a problem because they love food and aint trying to miss out on desert lol

I dont force anything on anybody tho....my oldest has always said she didnt like fish....."made" her take a bite once and she threw up....aight kid, no fish lol

food and eating is just not gonna be something we bump heads about around here
The fact that most ppl don't see children as unique individual beings is scary to me

The fact that a child can't know and decide what they like and don't like is scary to me

My thoughts exactly! Crazy how adults feel this way and many back it up with “my parents..” ok but that has nothing to do with how you parent. My child has likes and dislikes just like I do, I ALWAYS cook something that I know she loves with all of my meals and I ask if that’s what she wants. If she doesn’t want it, COOL because she’s still young and she does not yet know how to tell me exactly what she wants. Instead she will name all her favorite foods at once and we choose one from that list LOL. My mother use to make me eat certain things no matter how much I told her I didn’t like the taste, I knew for sure I’d never do it to my child because for ONE I don’t like being forced to eat some shit I genuinely don’t want. Yeah, I paid for it but I also want my daughter to know that it’s ok not to like something. I’d laugh at myself saying some shit like “I paid for it so you’re going to eat whatever I buy” it’s my job to buy our food, I also feel it’s my job to make sure I buy things to cook that she actually likes.
Also, the same way we may like something but eat it when we have the taste for it...children are the same exact way. So if they don’t want something they normally eat, I’d think maybe they just don’t have the taste for the shit.
my 3 year old asks for "clean toast" which means she doesnt want anything on it lmao

the only thing I've fought with her on is ketchup on cold sandwiches, cuz thats yuck but she likes it

and she barely eats french fries which is some kinda phenomenon but whatever
Everything ain't damn child abuse. Shit.

I know our previous generations were HOK (hard on kids) but todays parents are wimpy as all hell and we wonder why kids feel so entitled. My 3 year old is picky as all hell, and yes I do force him to eat sometimes. You know why, because if I only gave him what he liked to eat, he'd be eating chicken nuggets and biscuits all the time followed by a big bowl of ice cream. By forcing him to eat different foods, he's opened up a little more with his choices after realizing he likes other things. He still doesn't eat meat, outside of chicken nuggets and even those I'm pulling him back from. I have to make him eat his veggies to balance everything out.
my 3 year old asks for "clean toast" which means she doesnt want anything on it lmao

the only thing I've fought with her on is ketchup on cold sandwiches, cuz thats yuck but she likes it

and she barely eats french fries which is some kinda phenomenon but whatever

Lmao @ clear toast! That’s too cute!

My 2 year old goes “TATOES and GREEN GREENS!!!!” and that’s her mashed potatoes and green beans. She will eat a pot of green beans for dinner and not think twice about it.

She likes sweet potato fries and she dips them in ketchup all fancy.
That's a wack rule, no offence b. I remember
I always get them to try something before saying they don't like it or want it. We were at one of those longhorn steakhouse type restaurants, and she's been on this macaroni phase. I try to tell her to order based on the restaurant (steak at a steakhouse, seafood at a seafood place instead of always going for the pizza or mac and cheese) so we order her steak bites. She is literally at the table crying "I don't like steak"

Long story short, she loves steak now, and we always reference that story when she say I don't want/i don't like

They both eat veggies; broccoli, green beans, sweet potatoes, corn, asparagus (last night that was her favorite vegetable list)

Something that really helped was ketchup. I let her put it on whatever if it will help her eat it. She been eating ketchup on broccoli for years

What's the reason for that rule? I got clowned by my fam on my mum's last birthday because I ordered chicken at Red Lobster