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IP360: The "Things that grinds your gears" Thread

If y’all are noticing the people around you being foolish then you are obviously not working out hard enough.

This is a selfish sport that does not need group involvement.


That is the only way you will be the best physical version of yourself.

Clothes?!? How you gon make the mind muscle connection if you are focused on what’s around you?

Yes minding your own business is that important to you gains.

I promise.

Just…. Focus please.

Last thing you want is a stinger because a female wore flesh toned spandex.
That right there is 3 weeks of your time if it goes wrong

Again...I will NEVER understand a mother bringing her NEWBORN child to the workplace. Just so she can show off said child to their coworkers. Smh.

Bringing your newborn child around a bunch of mofos who don't wipe down their desks. Barely cover their mouths while coughing/sneezing. Infect everyone when they get sick. Randomly passes said NEWBORN to other coworkers who don't sanitize their hands. But hey! Who cares about putting the NEWBORN at risk.

B/c gettin the attention from your coworkers is WAY more important then the well-being of your NEWBORN baby right? RIGHT?? HAHAHAHAHA...smh
Again...I will NEVER understand a mother bringing her NEWBORN child to the workplace. Just so she can show off said child to their coworkers. Smh.

Bringing your newborn child around a bunch of mofos who don't wipe down their desks. Barely cover their mouths while coughing/sneezing. Infect everyone when they get sick. Randomly passes said NEWBORN to other coworkers who don't sanitize their hands. But hey! Who cares about putting the NEWBORN at risk.

B/c gettin the attention from your coworkers is WAY more important then the well-being of your NEWBORN baby right? RIGHT?? HAHAHAHAHA...smh
Where u work at fastfood joint
Where u work at fastfood joint

Damned near every corporate job I've ever had was like this. Some broad always brings the baby in after having it and wheels the lil muhfucka around to show everyone. The only times it didn't happen was when I worked in Defense for a couple of spots in Phoenix and no one was allowed past the front door unless you worked there.
Again...I will NEVER understand a mother bringing her NEWBORN child to the workplace. Just so she can show off said child to their coworkers. Smh.

Bringing your newborn child around a bunch of mofos who don't wipe down their desks. Barely cover their mouths while coughing/sneezing. Infect everyone when they get sick. Randomly passes said NEWBORN to other coworkers who don't sanitize their hands. But hey! Who cares about putting the NEWBORN at risk.

B/c gettin the attention from your coworkers is WAY more important then the well-being of your NEWBORN baby right? RIGHT?? HAHAHAHAHA...smh
I don’t play about RSV
If y’all are noticing the people around you being foolish then you are obviously not working out hard enough.

This is a selfish sport that does not need group involvement.


That is the only way you will be the best physical version of yourself.

Clothes?!? How you gon make the mind muscle connection if you are focused on what’s around you?

Yes minding your own business is that important to you gains.

I promise.

Just…. Focus please.

Last thing you want is a stinger because a female wore flesh toned spandex.
That right there is 3 weeks of your time if it goes wrong

I go to the gym without glasses or contacts intentionally, can’t be distracted if I can’t see

Then add being blazed out my mind lmao

Locked in
Again...I will NEVER understand a mother bringing her NEWBORN child to the workplace. Just so she can show off said child to their coworkers. Smh.

Bringing your newborn child around a bunch of mofos who don't wipe down their desks. Barely cover their mouths while coughing/sneezing. Infect everyone when they get sick. Randomly passes said NEWBORN to other coworkers who don't sanitize their hands. But hey! Who cares about putting the NEWBORN at risk.

B/c gettin the attention from your coworkers is WAY more important then the well-being of your NEWBORN baby right? RIGHT?? HAHAHAHAHA...smh
not the same

but I recently stopped to eat in the ATL airport when I was traveling

this white couple sat at a table next to me with their baby that couldn't have been more than 1yr to 18mos old

reason why I noticed is cuz they let the baby sit in its pamper right on the table and let the baby play with the salt/pepper shakers

I was disgusted cuz obviously somebody who sits down after them was gon be eating their food on the equivalent of a changing station

people really lack awareness when it comes to their babies.......putting the salt shaker in its mouth when u know that restaurant staff ain't wiping down shakers that prob have dozens of random people using it all day

putting a baby's dirty pamper on the table knowing someone else gon eat in the same place right after 😬