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Interesting perspective on Africa

I skipped around the vid

Seems like the type of nigga who has no aspiration outside of his block cuz that's all he knows. So he'll shit on anything outside of that to save face.

Africa may not be some utopia, but life started there and WE started there. And maybe, just maybe, if our black asses around the globe can get on the same page and stop begging our oppressors to love and respect us in countries they don't want us in, it could actually be a utopia.

But I digress
Because there are people dedicated to hearing themselves talk even if they have not a clue.. There is an audience for everything and when people are non the wiser profit certain people have a gift for monetizing or at least persuading people seek people to school them on the stupid shit they believe

I'm convinced these white people are aliens at this point.
The information you posted only goes back to 1400 BCE....the empire began roughly around 3100 bce....that 1700 years of history conveniently forgotten...Also...the empire began being conquered and ruled by foreign powers because Egypt was the jewel of the nile for crops and trade routes....not to mention that it was a hub for scholars all over the middle east....so really....all this information does is reiterate information that was already widely available....when a foreign power conquers another, it tends to assimilate it into its culture...including racial mixing....
Fam said he lightskinned because a weak woman in his lineage got raped.

He then used black panther as his example of how Africans think of us.....

@deadeye fuck did you post this nigga for
Fam said I never been there but then gon say Russia and North Korea will bust a gun....when has Russia ever came to the defense of white people in america on the basis of them being white and when has north korea came to the defense of asians on the basis of them being asian?

Just loud and wrong.

Niggas acting like other races are all one tribe. Chinese dont give a fuck about a Japanese crisis, Russians aint helping out French, Nigerians probably dont think about Sudan.
I've said similar shit, but I think I articulated myself a bit better
Fam said he lightskinned because a weak woman in his lineage got raped.

He then used black panther as his example of how Africans think of us.....

@deadeye fuck did you post this nigga for

Webay bigger shrug clip.gif

Thought it would be a good topic for discussion.

I knew some people were gonna balk at watching a 3hr video.

I also knew that dude was ill-informed on some of his opinions about Africa.

However, despite his ignorance, there was some truth to some what he was saying.......and we can't act like there aren't people out there who have the same attitude about Africa.

Basically, the video was just meant to be a reference point.

It was never intended to be the sole focus of the thread.