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First if all, Du taking crazy pills. He like 0/3 in here

Second, Trini, stop trying to get whiskas to just tell you shit. Let her share with the rest of the class
yall just sleep....

even if yall deny it now... you can't unread what i type...next instance of it, you're gonna remember my words...and it's gonna fuck with you
dude, insurance operates by a way different kind of business model...

insurance is basically saying........

hey you gotta pay us $10 to do grocery shopping to feed your family.


because groceries....oh my gosh the prices are through the window.....what you think is $50 in groceries is really like $5,000....

It doesn't work like that, it's something you keep in case of a rainy day. Like a gun, you probably won't ever need to use one your whole life but you have one in case something goes down and you need to defend yourself or your loved ones.

This nigga du thinks insurance is like a sam clubs membership or some shit

It doesn't work like that, it's something you keep in case of a rainy day. Like a gun, you probably won't ever need to use one your whole life but you have one in case something goes down and you need to defend yourself or your loved ones.

This nigga du thinks insurance is like a sam clubs membership or some shit
bruh, it' not...

your gun is an investment, you can sell it.....it is property, you can hold it. and use it however you please. it is yours you own it.

insurance is a payment to a service you may or may not need, and can raise the price on made up reasons, and they have a million restrictions on when they can and cannot be used, and have investigators who look for fraud. and can withhold payment for any made up reason as well.

if a gun was like insurance....guns would be pointless....you would be dead before you ever could use it....

i'm very realistic about what insurance is.....they have worked their ways into our lives... but they're still crooks.....

it's a racket bruh......trust me......

while i understand the desire for a company to make money, no one manipulates and extorts money out of folk on the scale of insurance....

it's criminal
bruh, it' not...

your gun is an investment, you can sell it.....it is property, you can hold it. and use it however you please. it is yours you own it.

insurance is a payment to a service you may or may not need, and can raise the price on made up reasons, and they have a million restrictions on when they can and cannot be used, and have investigators who look for fraud. and can withhold payment for any made up reason as well.

if a gun was like insurance....guns would be pointless....you would be dead before you ever could use it....

i'm very realistic about what insurance is.....they have worked their ways into our lives... but they're still crooks.....

it's a racket bruh......trust me......

while i understand the desire for a company to make money, no one manipulates and extorts money out of folk on the scale of insurance....

it's criminal
The gun analogy works because guns are something rarely used in terms of self defence (obviously I'm not counting using guns to straight kill someone else) insurance is the exact same way. It's the rarity that I'm emphasizing. I'm well aware of the faults of insurance companies but as I said it's better to have it than to not have it and foot a bill 4x the insurance amount.
The gun analogy works because guns are something rarely used in terms of self defence (obviously I'm not counting using guns to straight kill someone else) insurance is the exact same way. I'm well aware of the faults of insurance companies but as I said it's better to have it than to not have it and foot a bill 4x the insurance amount.
sounds like a sales pitch....

transfer of emotion

creating a need specifically for the product you are trying to sell through fear......

and still a gun is property you own. you do not continue to pay on it, for life.

if a gun costs like $1,200 you save up, you buy it, it's yours....

they don't give you $10 payment for life that raises every year for...."reasons"

i mean if after 30 years you paid over $4,000 for a gun you never used.....would that not seem like you just got got??
what if you moved into a high risk neighborhood and your gun payments jumped to $25 a month
got a wife, kids, more shit to protect

gun payments are now $75
you're older now. the likely hood that you can defend yourself without a gun has dropped dramatically

gun payments $100 a month
sounds like a sales pitch....

transfer of emotion

creating a need specifically for the product you are trying to sell through fear......

and still a gun is property you own. you do not continue to pay on it, for life.

if a gun costs like $1,200 you save up, you buy it, it's yours....

they don't give you $10 payment for life that raises every year for...."reasons"

i mean if after 30 years you paid over $4,000 for a gun you never used.....would that not seem like you just got got??

what if you moved into a high risk neighborhood and your gun payments jumped to $25 a month

got a wife, kids, more shit to protect

gun payments are now $75

Wow, you're really trying your hardest to discredit why insurance is important. I'm arguing the practicality of insurance not the morality behind it, it's why I can explain what I'm saying in a few sentences and you have to make whole paragraphs to plead your case. That said, I'm already said my 2c and you aint buying so I'ma leave it at that.
Wow, you're really trying your hardest to discredit why insurance is important. I'm arguing the practicality of insurance not the morality behind it, it's why I can explain what I'm saying in a few sentences and you have to make whole paragraphs to plead your case. That said, I'm already said my 2c and you aint buying so I'ma leave it at that.
it's a racket.....

a scam....

of course it can serve a purpose, but they go through great lengths and insane measures to try their best to avoid cashing in on those needs by any means necessary

it's not as simple as services rendered....

insurance has always done the absolute most to get the absolute most out of everybody, while providing them for the absolute least in return....

i'm over confident that the average person such an amount more into insurance than they ever receive it's nauseating .....

and the worse part is there really is no alternative that's not a complete gamble.....

there is always a huge profit in being able to provide a perceived necessity...and insurance in all it's incarnations exploit the shit outta this concept
however #1

that price is retarded.......it should not take 500 000 to heal a person......and even if it did.....i'm not a math person but they could have come up with a number that would cover the costs based on on how often they pay out......

put it like this.... if it's a 1 in 500 person chance you will get ill.....then yea, a g might make sense.....

but i'm willing to bet that they pay out something like 1 in 20-30 thousand....if that.....i mean who wants to vacation somewhere you gotta 1 in 500 chance of getting 500k type of sick.......that shit sounds like a disaster location.....

i'm quite sure you're goign somewhere great...super clean and sterile where it's damn near impossible that you get sick, i mean shit they pay insurance too.... it better be....

so if they paying out like every 1 in 20,000 (i have no idea how likely you are to get 500,000 sick.....but 1 in 20,000 sounds reasonabl...it might still be a little low though) meaning that they make like 20 million before they have to even pay out 500,000

which they might not even have to really pay out... cuz when you making like 20 million a year on insurance....yo prolly greasing palms with the nigggaz who said and will confirm medical costs cost 500,000 ...that shit prolly cost less than 1,000 forreal... i mean as funny as it sounds.....that's a much more liekly reality considering how much of a racket the shit is to begin with....

so basically they're making a fortune off of fear

i'm not a math person, so i don't know how exact my numbers are.... but i know crooks so i intentionally low balled.....they prolly make way more vs what they really pay out......that shit is criminal as fuck

Well, let's think about it this way. Forget about any trips, just assume there is a small risk i might lose $500,000. I want to mitigate the risk. How?

One way is to share the risk with 500 other people in similar situations. Each of us has a 1/1000 chance of losing $500,000, which none of us can afford. But if we each chip in $1000, collectively we will be able to pay the $500,000 loss befalls on that unlucky 1/1000. (Knowing my luck, it might just be me :ohshit2:).

The decision is: do I want to lose $1000 for sure, or do I want to risk the .1% chance of losing $500,000, which would ruin me.
Well, let's think about it this way. Forget about any trips, just assume there is a small risk i might lose $500,000. I want to mitigate the risk. How?

One way is to share the risk with 500 other people in similar situations. Each of us has a 1/1000 chance of losing $500,000, which none of us can afford. But if we each chip in $1000, collectively we will be able to pay the $500,000 loss befalls on that unlucky 1/1000. (Knowing my luck, it might just be me).
that's how they get you...

i understand why you pay it... but it's a racket.....

they make so much more than they pay out it's ridiculous.....and the only reason they tell you that 500 000 number is cuz they know you can't afford it and would gratefully pay 1000 to avoid it

again...how often do people get sick???

cuz i'm very sure you wouldn't go anywhere where every 500th person gets sick.....and it only takes 500 people to make up for 1 pay out....

how many people you think vacation there yearly without getting sick vs those who get sick

and not just any sick....500 000 sick??

i guessed 20-30 thousand but i again it could be every 100,000 people u never really know....

but what i do know is they making over 20-30 maybe even 50 million through that insurance before they pay out 500 000 ONCE

you think it would be your luck......imagine how many people feel the same way who never get sick......never......

the money they're taking in and not paying out is astronomical

crazy crazy hustle
that's how they get you...

i understand why you pay it... but it's a racket.....

they make so much more than they pay out it's ridiculous.....and the only reason they tell you that 500 000 number is cuz they know you can't afford it and would gratefully pay 1000 to avoid it

again...how often do people get sick???

cuz i'm very sure you wouldn't go anywhere where every 500th person gets sick.....and it only takes 500 people to make up for 1 pay out....

how many people you think vacation there yearly without getting sick vs those who get sick

and not just any sick....500 000 sick??

i guessed 20-30 thousand but i again it could be every 100,000 people u never really know....

but what i do know is they making over 20-30 maybe even 50 million through that insurance before they pay out 500 000 ONCE

you think it would be your luck......imagine how many people feel the same way who never get sick......never......

the money they're taking in and not paying out is astronomical

crazy crazy hustle

From a pure math point of view, chances are, I lose. But the scale of the loss matters.

If the loss is $1000, I can absorb it. But a potential $500,000 loss is not something I can easily absorb without a significant impact on my long term financial health.

Yes, the house always wins and the insurance companies make sure they make money. But they also provide me with a method to mitigate a risk that I otherwise have no way to mitigate.
From a pure math point of view, chances are, I lose. But the scale of the loss matters.

If the loss is $1000, I can absorb it. But a potential $500,000 loss is not something I can easily absorb without a significant impact on my long term financial health.

Yes, the house always wins and the insurance companies make sure they make money. But they also provide me with a method to mitigate a risk that I otherwise have no way to mitigate.
500k loss and i'm selling a kidney. past the point of "can't easily absorb" b.
thing is the 500 000 is inflated as fuck....

which makes any reasonable person part with the 1 000 like its nothing....

it's strategic as fuck....

they prolly could still make a profit with it being only $50 a person...considering most people prolly only get like 3 000 sick to begin with....if anyone even gets sick...which is proly rare as fuck

they prolly had to pay the full 500 000 k out......never.......like ever.....i'm positive it's a scare number to get people to pay