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Du thinks insurance is a racket. What are your thoughts?

I think the process for how they determine certain probability criteria is kinda fucked up but I can't imagine me having a car, someone hits it, and I have the i eat ass face because I don't have a mechanism in place to attempt to make me whole or as close to it
Everything is business, ofc these companies are trying to get money. But insurance is necessary.
If I gotta sue you to get you to do what I pay you to do. And you're using other people's abuse of ur company as a reason why you feel you shouldn't do what I pay you to do. Even though I've paid you for years and never asked for you to do what I pay you to do...till now. And you still don't wanna do it..

Then yes it's a scam
Health insurance no. Every other insurance, yes

I should be able to not have car insurance and pay outta pocket for for any accidents I may get into
Insurance is the casino of life. The house always wins
American health insurance is the biggest scam there is, cuz it's private. nationalized insurance is the only kind that isn't a scam b
If everyone was as responsible as you, then sure, but everyone ain't

So i have to just hope some person just gon pay me what it cost to get my car fixed when they were at fault? Nah man
I'm just saying

Car insurance

Say you pay like 35000 on your car for 5 years

Once you paid it off you done.

But not insurance. You still paying.

And yea insurance might cover costs to an extent if your car fucked up...

But overall if you paid 35000 in 5 years for your car...you could have realistically paid like 20 000 I insurance...

And unless you had 20 000 on damage they made out like shit.

I'm willing to bet over the course of time they paid out much less than they took in....and if they pay our to one person too.much they flag that nigga to make pennies on the dollar back....

Considering the sheer amount you have to pay these niggaz, and the multiple tricks they got to collect, and the times where they really gotta pay out....niggaz making out something criminal...

And that's just cars. Life and medical are much much much much worse
If everyone was as responsible as you, then sure, but everyone ain't

So i have to just hope some person just gon pay me what it cost to get my car fixed when they were at fault? Nah man
Naw you send the leg breakers in with their bats and beat the nigga till he pay....

My bad....you send your hired muscle to call his hired muscle who squeezes him harder for the money and then your muscle pays for the car cuz then gangsters made an agreement that it's best you don't know the details

My bad...your insurance calls his insurance and they work it out....you can even drive a clean ass rental while you wait
The essence of insurance is risk sharing and it is a very valid product.

No comments on insurance companies.
break it down for me like I'm 10 and a little slow

For example, I am taking a trip later this year (I may share about it later on here) and it will be at a very remote location. Should I fall ill or get injured the med evac cost would be in 6 figures. Everyone on the trip is encouraged (though not required) to purchase med evac insurance.

We spent over $1000 on the premium, which will cover up to $500,000.

I can afford to lose $1000 now, but I cannot, simply cannot afford $500,000. Even though I know the chance of me falling ill or getting injured is slim, I do not want and cannot afford that risk.

With the insurance, I share my risk with other travelers who are in the same position. Everyone pays $1000 so no one is at risk of paying $500,000.
For example, I am taking a trip later this year (I may share about it later on here) and it will be at a very remote location. Should I fall ill or get injured the med evac cost would be in 6 figures. Everyone on the trip is encouraged (though not required) to purchase med evac insurance.

I spent over $1000 on the premium, which will cover up to $500,000.

I can afford to lose $1000 now, but I cannot, simply cannot afford $500,000. Even though I know the chance of me falling ill or getting injured is slim, I do not want and cannot afford that risk.

With the insurance, I share my risk with other travelers who are in the same position. Everyone pays $1000 so no one is at risk of paying $500,000.
pm me bout ur trip pls. I luh that!
First if all, Du taking crazy pills. He like 0/3 in here

Second, Trini, stop trying to get whiskas to just tell you shit. Let her share with the rest of the class
First if all, Du taking crazy pills. He like 0/3 in here

Second, Trini, stop trying to get whiskas to just tell you shit. Let her share with the rest of the class
keep hating. @Whiskas and I got a thing going on. Parallax understands, why can't you?
For example, I am taking a trip later this year (I may share about it later on here) and it will be at a very remote location. Should I fall ill or get injured the med evac cost would be in 6 figures. Everyone on the trip is encouraged (though not required) to purchase med evac insurance.

We spent over $1000 on the premium, which will cover up to $500,000.

I can afford to lose $1000 now, but I cannot, simply cannot afford $500,000. Even though I know the chance of me falling ill or getting injured is slim, I do not want and cannot afford that risk.

With the insurance, I share my risk with other travelers who are in the same position. Everyone pays $1000 so no one is at risk of paying $500,000.
however #1

that price is retarded.......it should not take 500 000 to heal a person......and even if it did.....i'm not a math person but they could have come up with a number that would cover the costs based on on how often they pay out......

put it like this.... if it's a 1 in 500 person chance you will get ill.....then yea, a g might make sense.....

but i'm willing to bet that they pay out something like 1 in 20-30 thousand....if that.....i mean who wants to vacation somewhere you gotta 1 in 500 chance of getting 500k type of sick.......that shit sounds like a disaster location.....

i'm quite sure you're goign somewhere great...super clean and sterile where it's damn near impossible that you get sick, i mean shit they pay insurance too.... it better be....

so if they paying out like every 1 in 20,000 (i have no idea how likely you are to get 500,000 sick.....but 1 in 20,000 sounds reasonabl...it might still be a little low though) meaning that they make like 20 million before they have to even pay out 500,000

which they might not even have to really pay out... cuz when you making like 20 million a year on insurance....yo prolly greasing palms with the nigggaz who said and will confirm medical costs cost 500,000 ...that shit prolly cost less than 1,000 forreal... i mean as funny as it sounds.....that's a much more liekly reality considering how much of a racket the shit is to begin with....

so basically they're making a fortune off of fear

i'm not a math person, so i don't know how exact my numbers are.... but i know crooks so i intentionally low balled.....they prolly make way more vs what they really pay out......that shit is criminal as fuck

You pay for insurance in case of a rainy day. Is it a fucked up system yes? But, it's the best we've got atm, and it's way better to have it than to not have it and get caught lacking.
dude, insurance operates by a way different kind of business model...

insurance is basically saying........

hey you gotta pay us $10 to do grocery shopping to feed your family.


because groceries....oh my gosh the prices are through the window.....what you think is $50 in groceries is really like $5,000....

fuck outta here

naw bruh, it really is....if you don't pay us $10 a month your groceries will cost you $5,000 instead of $50...and if for any reason something goes wrong with your groceries we'll refund you the money u spent on them... i mean after all we love you for giving us your $10 every month for the past 20 years.....what's $50 between friends.....

nationwide is on your side