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Innocent black man is choked to death on the subway

Sadly it was over when that racist judge threw out that one charge.. Ifeel bad for his family cause they deserved Justice…
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This covers penny well

But the bystanders who stood are at fault too

With Derek Chauvin you have no choice because you can't engage an armed cop

What was stopping those tethers and other passengers from getting Penny off of the victim?

His race.

Everybody non white on that train bowed down to the authority of Pennys whiteness and allowed him to Lynch a black man, because they were too afraid to intervene.
Sadly it was over when that racist judge threw out that one charge.. Ifeel bad for his family cause they deserved Justice…

I heard the judge threw out the murder charge cuz he knew the jury would not find him guilty of that.

It would have been easier to find him guilty of negligent homicide.

But, oh well

Quick think piece.....

He'll be applauded as an hero then some goofy bastard is going to try this same thing BUT the Black or Brown person is going to switch shit up and kill the white. The news and social media get a hold of the story. The POC's will be called thugs and do time. Then some spinless fucking coon will say the POC were thugs.

Don't be a spineless fucking coon