COMMUNITY Inappropriate Language

Sam Crooke

Active Member
Jan 18, 2017

What is considered inappropriate language in the work place? As a community lettuce all come together and discuss this. We are all grown folks I think, and we can act accordingly.... can't we?

I see no inappropriate language here... so where's the problem?
ABW going PG-rated now? Lol

What da frick!
I'm multi taskin but now I see what post was flagged, it was when u called WhisperingEye a bitch. Us (men) shouldn't be callin the women bitches, but the chicks can't be calling the men wild shit and not expect to get called shit back. We're all grown here, we can roast eachother without callin mfs out their name.
Guilty of calling niggas bitches but I don’t get mad when they call me one back. However, in this case Whispering ain’t do nothing to be called a bitch. I don’t think she said nothing foul.
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So one has to wait until they called an insult before they hurl one back?

Lol What we doing here man

So you're fightin for the right to call women bitches freely? lol do better fam
So you're fightin for the right to call women bitches freely? lol do better fam
I'm fighting for the right to say whatever you what regardless of gender, especially in a dispute.

I personally don't use the word at all, not a fan of it.

As I said, slippery slope
I'm fighting for the right to say whatever you what regardless of gender, especially in a dispute.

I personally don't use the word at all, not a fan of it.

As I said, slippery slope

So you're fightin for the right to call women bitches, gotcha.

First he votes abw roy moore innocent, then he advocates for the right to call the women of abw bitches smh. And this guy thinks he should've been a mod.
Can someone tell @personicantinteractwith if he really think this was necessary? She simply asked for his badge and pic be changed to donkey.
Doesn't matter if I think it was necessary, Sam did

Again, slippery slope. Hopefully you great and wise mods will create a list of what words you can and cannot say to which posters. I'm certainly making a list of things said to me that I'd like to be stricken
But really tho i mean bitch is like a hot word. Its not really something that can be used playfully unless its from another woman or gay dude. Besides its just one word shouldnt be that hard to insult somebody without using it.
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Someone tell him to mention that when asked of ways to improve ABW in the people’s mod election.