Welcome To aBlackWeb

Iight, you on a sinking ship...

Don't like the beach
Don't like the water
Hate sand
Can't stand direct sunlight

A tropical vacation would be miserable for me
Remember when Du took his wife on the other side of baltimore for their anniversary? Yeah that nigga definitely not gonna be in Belize
Remember when you made your wife up cuz niggaz online thought you were really gay?

We still think you gay ??‍♂️
Why you always respond to facts with shit you gotta make up?


dont cry too much I don’t wanna derail the thread anymore

12 rounds B
The policy for the life boats are women and kids only but you see a way to sneak on a boat without alerting anyone and saving yourself....

Do you? Or do you fall back to die cuz integrity?

I mean if I don’t got my kid with me and all the kids are good I’d go
Always backing down...

Nigga got married with promise rings tied in a knot around his finger but wanna talk shit....