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I need answers!

Virgo: because you can bet your ass we've found the best most efficient way to do something but yall just wont fucking listen and take all damn day doing it "your own way".

We're the master sensors when it comes to sensing bs, manipulation and lies, after a while you get annoyed at how many people are actually pos.

Aquarius - we stay loyal to those that others don't think deserve it. We see the inner person and know their potential.

But we are only loyal to select people. We'll cut others off in a heartbeat and not think twice about it.

And we'll do the same to those we were loyal to if they don't reach that potential we see fast enough.
Aquarius - we stay loyal to those that others don't think deserve it. We see the inner person and know their potential.

But we are only loyal to select people. We'll cut others off in a heartbeat and not think twice about it.

And we'll do the same to those we were loyal to if they don't reach that potential we see fast enough.

Pisces: how do you fool people into thinking they know everything about you when they only know 1%?

That side of the Pisces you didn't know of was just a level of engagement you never triggered.

But... yeah, sometimes we do intentionally keep things from others.

Cuz 95% of people are idiots
Virgo: because you can bet your ass we've found the best most efficient way to do something but yall just wont fucking listen and take all damn day doing it "your own way".

We're the master sensors when it comes to sensing bs, manipulation and lies, after a while you get annoyed at how many people are actually pos.
Virgo...b/c people in general annoy the fucc outta us.

Muthafuccas who can't comprehend shyt to save their lives. Ask them a basic azzz question and they act like you asked them to solve some mathematical equation to the theory of space & time

Me: "...and did you need a call back with an estimated time of arrival?"

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Aye...if you can't answer a simple yes or no question, do humanity a favor...kys...4x

I see my people came through already...