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I lost my wife yesterday.

Truly speechless.. I don't think about God much or even know if he exist but its time like this I pray its all true..

That you can find peace in heaven with your wife for all eternity..keep pushing for the kids..and yourself man

God bless
@konceptjones how you and the family holdin up brotha?

Shit ain't gettin easier for me 'cause I'm handling the business for her funeral and all that, plus getting all her medical stuff picked up from the crib. Moms and MIL just sent over a draft for her obituary to proofread and I had to make a grip of corrections to it and there's just reminders everywhere that she was supposed to come home in two weeks all healed up and ready to start physical therapy again so she could at least get back to being able to stand again.

The kids are ok, the oldest is taking it hard 'cause she gave birth three days before moms was first hospitalized. She never got to see our grandchild face to face or hold her so that's fucking with her and she's pregnant again so that's another child that will never get to know her like that.

We'll get there, the hardest part will be the funeral though.
Shit ain't gettin easier for me 'cause I'm handling the business for her funeral and all that, plus getting all her medical stuff picked up from the crib. Moms and MIL just sent over a draft for her obituary to proofread and I had to make a grip of corrections to it and there's just reminders everywhere that she was supposed to come home in two weeks all healed up and ready to start physical therapy again so she could at least get back to being able to stand again.

The kids are ok, the oldest is taking it hard 'cause she gave birth three days before moms was first hospitalized. She never got to see our grandchild face to face or hold her so that's fucking with her and she's pregnant again so that's another child that will never get to know her like that.

We'll get there, the hardest part will be the funeral though.

Oh ok.

Funeral...Thanksgiving...Christmas...New Years...Mothers Day are the 5 hardest things to get thru. That 1st year alone is tough. I remember seeing my dad go thru it durin the funeral, and Christmas. It's goin to be rough man. No lie. It's just as hard for a widower.

But take your time to heal tho. Don't ever feel like you got to emotionally rush thru that. Or feel like you have to put your feelings aside. Like I said before, talk wit your family & friends about dealing wit your grief. Best thing a person can do for you in this situation is give you their ear, and just let you talk. Probably one of the best therapy ever.

The road is long, but y'all will get thru it together.