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I lost my wife yesterday.

As someone who knows this feeling all too well. My condolences go to you and your family bro.

Only advice I will give you is let your feelings out cry if you have to laught when you need to and more importantly never keep anything internal it will eat you a live. Talk to someone don't be ashamed for asking for help...Trust me.

If you need an ear hit me up whenever
Damn bruh. I'm sorry to hear this. 20 years is a long time to be married especially in this day an age, so making it that long is an achievement. I know it's rough to lose her that way, but at least you can take solace in the fact that she was your loving partner to the very end. Condolences to you and your family.
I wish I knew what to say that would bring you some measure of peace, but I don't know what would do. Reading of your devotion to your wife despite any of the issues that you two faced was inspiring, however.

My prayers are with you, your children, and your grandchildren as you all deal with this loss.

Something that I will share that I learned from my own grief is to not let anyone else dictate your grief process. It's yours and yours alone. People should respect that.
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Damn that sucks! Its fucking hard to find a wife or a girl that you like. I wish I can find happines one day and someone to love! Sorry for your lost! Keep ya head up , Life sucks sometimes! GOD BLESS YOU !!

Tomorrow I wake with second wind and strong because of pride. I know I fought with all my heart to keep the dream alive- Tupac Shakur