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I have Covid

Hello wonderful people i'd like to inform you that i have covid.

My symptoms are mild.

Saturday night i had nasal and throat irritation but i didn't think much of it. On Sunday just after lunch i was extremely fatigued and could barley make it to the bathroom, i had to piss out the backdoor. I had the chills and couldn't get warm, i didn't have a fever.

Monday i made it to my office but still wasn't feeling great so i went to the emergency room and was diagnosed with covid.

They offered no treatment being that it's a virus and just advised me to take things i needed to help with the symptoms and to return immediately if i have respiratory issues.

Get Well Soon. Hope you recover quickly. With the direction this Country is headed and the Health Care Infrastructure being a mess, having "the 'Rona" is like a Death Sentence.

If necessary, head to the COVID-19 Thread on this site, we've been on top of this shit since Day 1, sharing Stories and Info on this. I know some Members shared tips and advice on what to take to fight this shit off.
Let us know when the symptoms become severe
See the source image
Hello wonderful people i'd like to inform you that i have covid.

My symptoms are mild.

Saturday night i had nasal and throat irritation but i didn't think much of it. On Sunday just after lunch i was extremely fatigued and could barley make it to the bathroom, i had to piss out the backdoor. I had the chills and couldn't get warm, i didn't have a fever.

Monday i made it to my office but still wasn't feeling great so i went to the emergency room and was diagnosed with covid.

They offered no treatment being that it's a virus and just advised me to take things i needed to help with the symptoms and to return immediately if i have respiratory issues.
Hope you are able to rest and recover. Please stay in quarantine so no one else gets exposed.