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I have Covid

I work from home for the last 5 years. But prior to that, I was DEFINITELY the nigga to come to work sick. It was always, 'Y'all niggas will be aight. Better drink some OJ and take some Emergen-C or something!'.

With this Covid shit though? I wouldn't be able to walk in the office in good conscience, knowing the shit could legit kill somebody.
Get outta Here

See the source image
I had the Rona, back in March when it was blazing through NYC. I didn't even realize I had it till I got the antibody test and it told me I was positive for antibodies.

I didn't know it was the Rona. It was back then, the WORST fever I'd ever had. For three days I was nearly immobile, and the first full day I literally did not get out of bed.

Fight that shit. Take tea, keep your nasal cavity clear (hot showers work wonders), and sweat that shit out.

Good luck.
Hello wonderful people i'd like to inform you that i have covid.

My symptoms are mild.

Saturday night i had nasal and throat irritation but i didn't think much of it. On Sunday just after lunch i was extremely fatigued and could barley make it to the bathroom, i had to piss out the backdoor. I had the chills and couldn't get warm, i didn't have a fever.

Monday i made it to my office but still wasn't feeling great so i went to the emergency room and was diagnosed with covid.

They offered no treatment being that it's a virus and just advised me to take things i needed to help with the symptoms and to return immediately if i have respiratory issues.

Hold tf on?! You had all those symptoms and you STILL went to work?!

No lie, if i was ur co worker n the virus wasnt contagious, id prolly beat yo ass nh.

Thats some highly irresponsible shit rite there. You're endangering all ur co workers n their families smh
and how tf are you still allowed to work?

i would have filed an hr complaint immediately

First of all she works (worked) for me.
Second I stopped working like a week or 2 after that when they started officially locking the city and closed up shop.
Third I don't got no hr... it's not that kind of business boo boo.