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How would you handle a second quarantine?

I been working from home since this started and they basically like we not going back to the office. More cost effective. And plus I was a semi hermit before the pandemic anyways and I been had my groceries delivered so ain’t shit really changing


"At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive for Covid and 1,400 of those have died..."

We honestly need one, big, long, stringent shutdown and then maybe we could legit be done with this shit. But you bitch niggas don't even wanna get vaccinated, so maybe not.

The point is twofold:

1. We had a shutdown. Cases still rose, people still died.
2. Folks have gotten vaccinated and are still catching the shit and some are even dying.

While I believe another shutdown is imminent, I also believe it won't get under control even if every person is vaccinated. At this point, we need effective treatments to get you through the infection, not vaccinations. Getting covid should be akin to getting the cold or flu; you go buy some shit, lay up in the crib a few days, and you're done.
The point is twofold:

1. We had a shutdown. Cases still rose, people still died.
2. Folks have gotten vaccinated and are still catching the shit and some are even dying.

While I believe another shutdown is imminent, I also believe it won't get under control even if every person is vaccinated. At this point, we need effective treatments to get you through the infection, not vaccinations. Getting covid should be akin to getting the cold or flu; you go buy some shit, lay up in the crib a few days, and you're done.

Get vaccinated. Tell all your loved ones to get vaccinated.

the end.
Oh man I would make sure I capitalize on the housing market, stock market, and crypto even more. Just make sure all the supplies is here and in good stock and everything will be good.

Business would be booming as well

I hope it happens
I think that in the grand scheme of things a second lockdown ain’t happening even if things get worse.

The government and corporations would just prioritize booster shots and blame the covid deaths on the “unvaccinated” and deny responsibility for it.

Furthermore, the last thing both entities want to do is make people stay home and get UI plus other assistance checks.
I seen it was talk about possibly shutting down again, how would you handle it?

Don't worry.

It won't happen.

Simply because we can't afford another trillion dollar relief package.

Also, the powers-that-be need as many people working as possible to generate enough tax revenue to support the government and keep the economy going.
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Lol it's funny how Rapaport went from "listen to our experts get vaxxed!" To (towards Fauci) "I aint a super spreader figure that shit out!"

The one time I agree w that clown... they seem to have no idea what they doing
I think we have to acknowledge that the shit changes and they just adjust when they learn new shit.

Their downfall is that they have to wait on data and by then it's too late. Somebody needs to start looking forward and making recommendations on what they think might happen.

Of course nobody wants to do that because if they get it wrong it could be catastrophic; to people and to their careers.