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How much responsibility do you think the church really holds?

We literally just had a deacon and the pastor get into a beef because of tithes.

The deacon decided he wasnt gonna pay tithes anymore. And like dos pointed out the pastor said money is not the only way to contribute. in fact there's a ton of ways he can contribute... One was to pick up the trash run.

Every Sunday after service, just collect all the trash and drive it to the dumpster around the corner.

Deacon said naw, he not a trash man.

And I shit you not this dude drives a pickup truck the church bought for him so he could have a vehicle to get back and forth to work.

He didn't want to take the truck the church bought to take out the church trash. Yet he still claim to be a deacon who's not paying tithes.

So yea it got ugly for a second, but he came back the next week. And he takes out the trash....

So you're right there are more ways to contribute outside of tithing. If you can't work that out with your pastor cuz all they want is money... Then maybe find a church that's a better fit for your idea of serving.

But both my wife and I work in the finance room. Church ain't banking like that at all....I can say for sure they don't do it for the money here, cuz it just ain't there
im not gonna act like its all...but alot of them them are about profit.
these mega churches......they bring in a shit load of loot...so a few scholarships that they can write off....is still nothing on the grand scheme.
Mega churches are not what I think about when I think about church.

I do not like anything about mega churches. I like small family churches that have 100 members at best on any given Sunday
im not gonna act like its all...but alot of them them are about profit.
these mega churches......they bring in a shit load of loot...so a few scholarships that they can write off....is still nothing on the grand scheme.
I got the scholarship when I went to college too.....

As funny as the quote is....I literally fucked up the churches money..... Shit had me in a low key depression and I spent a lot of time away from church, God, religion, all of it.

Then I started reading a lot
A homie left the holy qur-an at my house and I started reading that. I started reading a lot of Bertrand Russell

Had a couple of life experiences, and one day blew my own mind on the concept of Divine intervention, and what determines a good person.

I started looking at religion from a philosophy perspective, and really got into a lot of my old philosophy books.... And started understanding the philosophical reasoning behind Christ and why he absolutely is the perfect mold to aspire to be when trying to operate as a good person...

I re read the Bible and I feel like a lot more of it startrd to make sense. I started hooking up with the pastor and his son and we'd go over some of the things I read and learned. They'd offer their insight. And before you knew it I was back in Bible study.

We call it Bible college cuz it's set up like a curriculum where we get assignments and grades. Like the whole point is to have people actually understand what they reading and point out some of the problems people run into with the Bible and preaching.

Mad new and upcoming pastorsv in training come to these Bible college classes cuz it really teaches theory, history, and breaks down the Bible into numerous commentaries..... It gets deep.

A lot of members don't come, but a lot do. The whole point is that ourv pastor is a teacher... He always jokes that he don't want no hooping and hollering church.... He want to concentrate on the word and whatever the preacher "thinks" it means...

I mean there"s a whole lot more to it, but again I always say, if people take the time to look, they can find a church that works for them... Cuz everybody church don't work the same
I ain't saying that shit don't happen, I can't give nobody no numbers on it either

I've heard mad people talk about it, and it always blows my mind that it's allowed to go on...

Same with families who protect molesting as well. I just don't get it.... Children are supposed to be protected. They are supposed to be safe. And church should always be the very definition of a safe house.

In every experience of my life with church it has always been that safe house, and children are well protected.

I think it's really fucked up that there are sick people out there who take advantage of that shit and ruin church for people as a result.

That's just horrible. It's one thing to not share the ideology, but dudes touching kids is a whole different thing. That's not representative of what church is supposed to be. But unfortunately b that's how some people gonna feel. And it's very damaging

I mean this literally based off the bold. Nobody know what exactly the church is supposed to be or representative of. There are books that were purposefully left out of the bible because of what it said went against what the "King" wanted to do at that particular time along with other reasons. Popes and priests went against the word in the bible because of the "King" or money. The bible says homosexuality is an abomination now you have priest going against that because of the social climate we live in today. You can't go against the word of your "God" because some of societies feelings on homosexuality has changed. That is complete bullshit.

So people are really placing faith in something that they don't even have the full text on. The bible is incomplete and people don't even care. People don't really know WTF they are following or what they are truly believing in.
We literally just had a deacon and the pastor get into a beef because of tithes.

The deacon decided he wasnt gonna pay tithes anymore. And like dos pointed out the pastor said money is not the only way to contribute. in fact there's a ton of ways he can contribute... One was to pick up the trash run.

Every Sunday after service, just collect all the trash and drive it to the dumpster around the corner.

Deacon said naw, he not a trash man.

And I shit you not this dude drives a pickup truck the church bought for him so he could have a vehicle to get back and forth to work.

He didn't want to take the truck the church bought to take out the church trash. Yet he still claim to be a deacon who's not paying tithes.

So yea it got ugly for a second, but he came back the next week. And he takes out the trash....

So you're right there are more ways to contribute outside of tithing. If you can't work that out with your pastor cuz all they want is money... Then maybe find a church that's a better fit for your idea of serving.

But both my wife and I work in the finance room. Church ain't banking like that at all....I can say for sure they don't do it for the money here, cuz it just ain't there
thats good,
the last church i was at in the states....they straight up had a seizure of power.
our pastor we getting older and was in pain....so he was taking medicine. sometimes he took his meds at off times and it made him loopy. so one day he takes his meds and remembers he needs a few groceries....he goes to the store and his phone rings....he answers the phone and tells the person on the other end hes feeling tired from his medicine...the person told him to go sit in the car they was coming to get him. he forgets hes pushing a car full of groceries while on the phone. the store claimed he tried to steal...when he wasnt. they didnt charge him but the people in the church said he was on drugs.
like three weeks later he came to church and they emptied out his office and put all his things on the sidewalk on a sunday morning.
the look on his face broke my heart.
and these are christians who did this. the congregation walked out and said f them. after all he did for them people why would they think he was on drugs...like illegal drugs not medicine and made a poor decision in time management.

smdh. i aint been back since. well i mean i moved but hey.
I mean this literally based off the bold. Nobody know what exactly the church is supposed to be or representative of. There are books that were purposefully left out of the bible because of what it said went against what the "King" wanted to do at that particular time along with other reasons. Popes and priests went against the word in the bible because of the "King" or money. The bible says homosexuality is an abomination now you have priest going against that because of the social climate we live in today. You can't go against the word of your "God" because some of societies feelings on homosexuality has changed. That is complete bullshit.

So people are really placing faith in something that they don't even have the full text on. The bible is incomplete and people don't even care. People don't really know WTF they are following or what they are truly believing in.
The church to my understanding is to service the people and to help guide as many as possible towards leading a life that is a good example of their respective worship
The church to my understanding is to service the people and to help guide as many as possible towards leading a life that is a good example of their respective worship

How can you have an understanding of something that you are being taught from that is incomplete? The church purposefully left of many books of the bible.

Would you be ok with your child's teacher teaching your child from an incomplete textbook?
Church is just another business people have been shown to be corrupt no matter what venue it is.. Sadly people use religion as manipulation its a hustle to many .. You got parishioners faking the funk of being dedicated servants of the lord and you have.. "Leadership" who use the gift for gab to mold and cajole people under the guise of righteousness. When they are so far from right/ and just themselves. People put to much trust in the ideas that they ignore the execution and whats real.. There are some people out there doing good work and not using and abusing power and feeding their monster of personal ambition.... But its alot of dirt out there an alot of people willing to accept it..

i dont even know if im on topic lol:aye:
How can you have an understanding of something that you are being taught from that is incomplete? The church purposefully left of many books of the bible.

Would you be ok with your child's teacher teaching your child from an incomplete textbook?
Bruh everything broken. Human beings are pretty fucked up

World history is written by the victors

Many factors to our way of life were determined thru bloodshed.

Church is not the only imperfect thing i have to explain to my children... Imagine our conversations about voting...

My job is to teach my child to be a good person and think for themselves, and have some sort of a moral compass.

How to try to do the right thing in a world where many may not feel the same way.

I keep my children in church because I'm okay with what's being presented to them. Of all the things they gotta figure out about life, church isn't one them. I'm good with what they learn there.
Bruh everything broken. Human beings are pretty fucked up

World history is written by the victors

Many factors to our way of life were determined thru bloodshed.

Church is not the only imperfect thing i have to explain to my children... Imagine our conversations about voting...

My job is to teach my child to be a good person and think for themselves, and have some sort of a moral compass.

How to try to do the right thing in a world where many may not feel the same way.

I keep my children in church because I'm okay with what's being presented to them. Of all the things they gotta figure out about life, church isn't one them. I'm good with what they learn there.

Ok so you good with not having the truth and a complete understanding on what you following because it suits your needs the way its presented to you.

If you like it, I love it for you! Church on brother!
Ok so you good with not having the truth and a complete understanding on what you following because it suits your needs the way its presented to you.

If you like it, I love it for you! Church on brother!
Bruh, you can't take a condescending sarcastic stance on anyone going to church and still be a black man living in America.

There's not one thing in this country that's designed with our best interests in mind.

We take everything dished out to us in this country and make it work the best was we can to fiy the lives we chose to lead.

There's laws you follow, there's laws you don't. There's things in the news you give a fuck about. There's things you don't.

We all do it, we all pick and choose what things we want in our lives and what we don't, and we all have our reasons no matter how concrete or fickle it may seem to the next person.

You can't ridicule me for subscribing to a religion who's philosophy is to lead a good and loving life even in the midst of temptation and hatred.

The lessons.... Are good... The atmosphere is good. The socializing, the spiritual training.

Reading in front of a crowd. Support for accomplishments.

I can go on and on and on with the pros of church ... As I am for church.

If you are against church, of course you gonna have cons..

Everything in life has pros and cons.... Including a lot of the shit we all do...

I just ask don't ridicule someone or try to play them like they fools when you do th exact same shit in almost every aspect of life
Bruh, you can't take a condescending sarcastic stance on anyone going to church and still be a black man living in America.

There's not one thing in this country that's designed with our best interests in mind.

We take everything dished out to us in this country and make it work the best was we can to fiy the lives we chose to lead.

There's laws you follow, there's laws you don't. There's things in the news you give a fuck about. There's things you don't.

We all do it, we all pick and choose what things we want in our lives and what we don't, and we all have our reasons no matter how concrete or fickle it may seem to the next person.

You can't ridicule me for subscribing to a religion who's philosophy is to lead a good and loving life even in the midst of temptation and hatred.

The lessons.... Are good... The atmosphere is good. The socializing, the spiritual training.

Reading in front of a crowd. Support for accomplishments.

I can go on and on and on with the pros of church ... As I am for church.

If you are against church, of course you gonna have cons..

Everything in life has pros and cons.... Including a lot of the shit we all do...

I just ask don't ridicule someone or try to play them like they fools when you do th exact same shit in almost every aspect of life

Nothing about my post was condescending or sarcastic. That's just the way you took it.

I 100% meant what I said. What you doing with church don't have any bearing on my life. If you feel its good for you and your kids. Church on brother!

Didn't read past your first sentence cause it was wrong so I felt the rest of your post would be just as wrong.
your responses have been kinda condescending Morgan lol
your responses have been kinda condescending Morgan lol

I can't do anything about how my statements are being taken but I honestly don't have any condescension or sarcasm in anything that I'm saying. I respect what yall saying but thats really not what I'm doing.
I can't do anything about how my statements are being taken but I honestly don't have any condescension or sarcasm in anything that I'm saying. I respect what yall saying but thats really not what I'm doing.
fam, when you say "church on brother" that shit condescending af.

Its funny af, but still comes off as condescending, but if you say that wasnt your intent, i believe you