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How much responsibility do you think the church really holds?


I hate getting punched in the head
We all know the white church is crooked as shit. We don't talk about it as much, but latino and black churches also fail their communities in some key ways and it doesn't seem like we hold them accountable for it as much as we do the white churches, or more specifically, the Catholic Church.

I'm reading Du Bois and going over his criticisms of the church for its failure to prevent moral decay and fight corruption. He lays it on pretty thick and seems to think they are due a lot of blame.

How accountable do you think the church is for the growing struggles among minorities and in their communities? Is Du Bois too quick to gloss over the good they do?

Personally, I think he's right. 100 percent. It's mainly because their whole authority is based on preventing moral decay and being above corruption. If they can't stop it they have no legitimate authority - they're just for show.
The churches I've been to have the same hierarchy as there is in anything. The folks close to the pastor walk around with an air of superiority. The folks close to those folks walk around like they are better christans than everyone else. There's massive gossip and mistrust. They will help a family down and out and be talking about that same family like they are pieces of shit.

No fucking lie b, back when I was a ain't shit hood nigga. My sister who at the time had just found gawd and was heavily religious ask me to go to church with her. Come as you are...

Those people looked at my hood booger ass in a tee, jeans and A1s like I just slapped gawd himself. To top it off, the pastor's wife groped me through the whole service. I dead ass ain't know what to do cause the shit didn't make sense to me.
The pastor's wife though? They didn't even try to hide the debauchery
Bruh, she didn't even try to hide it. First she was massaging my shoulder while he was preaching, I didnt think to much of it other than how sensual it was.

Then she went to my thigh, and knee area, massaging up and down my leg in that area real sensually. I looked around wondering if anyone was as bugged out as I was. Nobody gave me any hint that they cared.

Then she started stroking my inner thigh..I was like..yooooooooo, lol..what is this, once again I looked around and the only look I got back was a smile from an old lady. That shit went on, inner thigh, thigh, chest, shoulder..when she did chest she sorted cradled me.

Afterwards I told my sister , my sister was like..she like that with all the young boys .

But to the point of your thread...its shared blamed ..community and church
They have a lot, it just gets forgotten with each passing generation.

The mission is lost, the passion is lost.

Corruption plagues churches.

The double standard of superiority vs expectations is ridiculous. People hold church folk to such a high standard.... Then are turned off by them for trying to live up to it... It's wild.

Mase pointed this out during his cam beef. You want church people to be off such high moral standards yet at every opportunity you shit all over them like they not people too....

So yea, church lost its way, bcuz people lost their way... But because of the nature of the calling... The church has a bigger responsibility to get it together and take care of the people and the community.

It's just hard to keep the youth, and most churches turn their congregation into a party just to keep heavy numbers....

I feel like my church tries, but admittedly focuses on the members more than the community. Shit is so hard for so many... That we just do our best to take care of those we can
We all know the white church is crooked as shit. We don't talk about it as much, but latino and black churches also fail their communities in some key ways and it doesn't seem like we hold them accountable for it as much as we do the white churches, or more specifically, the Catholic Church.

I'm reading Du Bois and going over his criticisms of the church for its failure to prevent moral decay and fight corruption. He lays it on pretty thick and seems to think they are due a lot of blame.

How accountable do you think the church is for the growing struggles among minorities and in their communities? Is Du Bois too quick to gloss over the good they do?

Personally, I think he's right. 100 percent. It's mainly because their whole authority is based on preventing moral decay and being above corruption. If they can't stop it they have no legitimate authority - they're just for show.

How do you stop corruption and moral decay?
I hate pastors.At least 99%. Most men of God (reverend,pastor,deacon ,prophet,ect.)I meet are far too haughty.or have way too many hoes of both genders.i live in the Bible belt. this applies to both blacc and wyte churches.
Thought this thread would get more action.

I'm not going to judge church as a monolith. Some churches actually do great community work and some churches are just like street corner hustlers they just want the money.

Only so much blame I can place on the church for dumb ass people believing that if they just pray food will magically appear on the table, rent will magically get paid, etc without them doing any work towards making that happen.

I mean I'm not a religious person at all but I do know the bible says something along the lines of "what is faith without works" and "God blesses the child that got his own". I take that to mean if you want something have faith that God will provide it for you if you are willing to do the work not just sit on your ass.

Once religion became a massive organization it was no longer a beacon of morality. People just don't want to believe that no matter how true it is.

Individual people hold more responsibility than the church IMO.
I can't speak on pastors molesting members and having sex scandals....

I never been in a church like that so don't understand how people can go to churches that defend stuff like that or sweep it under the rug...

The only issue my pastor ran into was when his daughter that he didn't know about popped up like 10 years ago...

She was down south and her mom and the pastor hooked up as teenagers. He moved to Baltimore and her mom never said who the dad was, just told her daughter as she passed.

Dude handled it well . Received her and her family well. Had a big service and cook out at his house invited his whole family and congregation... He didn't want anything to be hidden from anyone.

She was before his marriage and his two kids, and while he didn't know about her, he was still very loving towards his first born.
i thought i made a thread like this...maybe not..

but the church is one of the main reasons why the black community is where it is.

it promotes dependency and placing someone above the male head of the family.

its designed to shun you if you cant tithe as if money is the only way to help the church.

they dont try to promote educating you on the word if you dont understand but rather gets angry at you questioning why certain things are the way they are.

man im bout to go in
I ain't saying that shit don't happen, I can't give nobody no numbers on it either

I've heard mad people talk about it, and it always blows my mind that it's allowed to go on...

Same with families who protect molesting as well. I just don't get it.... Children are supposed to be protected. They are supposed to be safe. And church should always be the very definition of a safe house.

In every experience of my life with church it has always been that safe house, and children are well protected.

I think it's really fucked up that there are sick people out there who take advantage of that shit and ruin church for people as a result.

That's just horrible. It's one thing to not share the ideology, but dudes touching kids is a whole different thing. That's not representative of what church is supposed to be. But unfortunately b that's how some people gonna feel. And it's very damaging
i thought i made a thread like this...maybe not..

but the church is one of the main reasons why the black community is where it is.

it promotes dependency and placing someone above the male head of the family.

its designed to shun you if you cant tithe as if money is the only way to help the church.

they dont try to promote educating you on the word if you dont understand but rather gets angry at you questioning why certain things are the way they are.

man im bout to go in

This is not representative of all churches.

My church actively gives scholarships and has finance classes for anyone who wants it.

This is not representative of all churches.

My church actively gives scholarships and has finance classes for anyone who wants it.
im not gonna act like its all...but alot of them them are about profit.
these mega churches......they bring in a shit load of loot...so a few scholarships that they can write off....is still nothing on the grand scheme.
We literally just had a deacon and the pastor get into a beef because of tithes.

The deacon decided he wasnt gonna pay tithes anymore. And like dos pointed out the pastor said money is not the only way to contribute. in fact there's a ton of ways he can contribute... One was to pick up the trash run.

Every Sunday after service, just collect all the trash and drive it to the dumpster around the corner.

Deacon said naw, he not a trash man.

And I shit you not this dude drives a pickup truck the church bought for him so he could have a vehicle to get back and forth to work.

He didn't want to take the truck the church bought to take out the church trash. Yet he still claim to be a deacon who's not paying tithes.

So yea it got ugly for a second, but he came back the next week. And he takes out the trash....

So you're right there are more ways to contribute outside of tithing. If you can't work that out with your pastor cuz all they want is money... Then maybe find a church that's a better fit for your idea of serving.

But both my wife and I work in the finance room. Church ain't banking like that at all....I can say for sure they don't do it for the money here, cuz it just ain't there