How much is to much?

You're being bitchy. Female trait.
^ would not get callback

with her "I need all the attention" ass. I see it now.

"why you smile at the waitress? You can get your smile fix from me" ass chick

could get this dick still but I'm already overwhelmed

Even now, I've lost contacts. I switch phones often and never can successfully migrate over my data for some reason, so I tend to lose numbers.

In this case I'd probably give out the number again. All that's understandable.
I don't like the ones who you haven't seen in a long time.

They make small talk, then awkwardly ask for your number on some "Let's keep in touch"...knowing damn well you ain't gonna hear from them again.
You hit the nail right on the head... Ouchhh

I jokingly put this chick I use to "talk" to on blast for doing that.

Haven't spoke and seen each other in a minute. Saw each other in the mall, and did the typical "So what have you been up to" small talk. After she goes, "Lemme get your number so we can keep in touch". I busted out "For what? You know you not gonna call me." Lol.

It threw her off guard b/c she knew it was true. She just couldn't find a way to end the convo. I gave her my number neway, but as I predicted, we never spoke after that day.
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I jokingly put this chick I use to "talk" to on blast for doing that.

Haven't spoke and seen each other in a minute. Saw each other in the mall, and did the typical "So what have you been up to" small talk. After she goes, "Lemme get your number so we can keep in touch". I busted out "For what? You know you not gonna call me." Lol.

It threw her off guard b/c she knew it was true. She just couldn't find a way to end the convo. I gave her my number neway, but as I predicted, we never spoke after that day.

Yeah it's just funny like if you not gonna use the number why bother ya know and just keep it short and simple but yeah shorty should a just kept it at a convo and not bothered so daps for calling her out on it... Lol
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once yes understand, twice ehhhh I guess, third time nooo....then I will even bring up why I'm not giving to you again. Or I'll laugh it off and say so you can lose it again or not call at all and see their reaction.
A nigga could just be busy, nothing to take personal
A nigga could just be busy, nothing to take personal

I know and you see that's probably the only reason he got it twice cos like if we had dated an stopped an he asked again like i said in previous threads that torch would be ash asf but since it never got to that point he got the number again jus dissapointed I guess he didn't use it...
I do however be low key shocked that niggas still be having my number after not talking to them for so long. I delete mfs quick!
I do however be low key shocked that niggas still be having my number after not talking to them for so long. I delete mfs quick!

Those be the ones you don't want to hear from at all anymore...Yoi be like damn I NEED him to lose my number lol
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