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How many remember 93 Til Infinity?

Kanye put me up to this song when he posted it on his blog back in the day lol

I could listen to it every day now definitely in my top 5 all time
This was definitely one of my favorite songs when it first came out. I was listening to it recently
got it as one of my fave songs on my car usb drives

I still hear this song every week/other week while riding in the car

that Pharcyde passing me by is one of my fave songs too

wow at realizing 1993 is actually more than 30 years ago now šŸ˜¬
I hear this song literally every day of my life at some point lmao. It's ALWAYS snuck in somewhere on the automated Playlist youtube does when I just let my phone play. I usually have my music going all day at work and within an hour this song starts playing lol. Love it though. Classic.

I remember discovering this song as a kid tho. I had to of been maybe 12 or 13 and hadn't really used the internet to do much digging, but I was watching MTV and kanye west was doing this like.. one man show type of performance. I can't remember what that series was called but kanye would be on stage talking about his beginnings, then go into acting out a scene, music would be involved, etc.

Anyways, kanye goes into this scene of music that inspired him and he has a DJ playing snippets of music kanyes describing and he says souls of mischief who I had never heard of, then this beat starts playing and I was immediately blown away and ran to my computer and googled souls of mischief looking for this song. Once I found it, I don't know how many times I must have played it. If it was the streaming Era, I would of gotten them at least a dollar. It was non stop lmao.