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How many jobs have u held in your life so far?

I will say this. If I could work construction or some shit like that and make the same amount of money I would. I'd love to come home and not have to think about work at all. And when I'm there the shit is simple and easy mentally.
Idk fam doing blue collar i think im tired of being physically tired. Especially when i hear mfs watching movies n keeping up with their shows while on the clock. Shit make me smh.

I like moving around in general but the more i gotta do it at work the less im able to when i get off n have time to do what i wanna do.
Idk fam doing blue collar i think im tired of being physically tired. Especially when i hear mfs watching movies n keeping up with their shows while on the clock. Shit make me smh.

I like moving around in general but the more i gotta do it at work the less im able to when i get off n have time to do what i wanna do.

I hear you about wanting to be in a less physically stressful position, but white collar work is equally taxing on your brain, especially if you don't come from that kinda background in life
Is it true that at orientation they sit u all down n tell u shit that ur legally obligated to not share with the general public?

our clearance level was a joke, but we're still legally obligated to keep a tight lip.....

lots of ex militarily and ex law enforcement type work there, and they all take their job way too seriously...

i mean considering they weren't even complete in background checks till niggaz was like 6 months in and any person with a working brain can figure out how to breach the checkpoint in less that their first week

it was all a joke... security blanket at the highest level...

i laughed at the story about the muslim woman who said tsa made her remove her period tampon... i'm calling bullshit... tsa is 10 times more worried about bad press than public safety....the chances something went down the way she described it are ridiculous knowing what i knew from the 4 years i was there.....and it's worse now
i mean when we first started there was a clear prohibited items list...
and one by one they came off because of "complaints"

like all someone had to do was complain to the right person, and they would take almost anything off the prohibited items list......

i am 195% positive planes are no safer with TSA than they were before
Idk fam doing blue collar i think im tired of being physically tired. Especially when i hear mfs watching movies n keeping up with their shows while on the clock. Shit make me smh.

I like moving around in general but the more i gotta do it at work the less im able to when i get off n have time to do what i wanna do.
If you're in an important enough position you won't be doing that. The most I can do is listen to a podcast while working or post here from time to time. Check CNN occasionally.
Got damn thats a lot

U enjoy small business jobs more or big business?

I've been working since Reagan was in office. There were times in the 90's where I had 2 or 3 jobs at once. Plus I'm including jobs I worked for a day or a few hours and walked off and quit.
Had each job listed until I realized I ain't want anybody looking me up on LinkedIn.

So 15 total jobs.

From retail to call center back to retail to small business office work to big business finance and accounting to small business finance and accounting.

Lol I listed my jobs then thought about it and said fuck that.

Anyways first real job was McDonald's at 15. Then Walmart then factory jobs then finsihed school and got into the field I'm in now.

Been fired from 4 jobs. 2 because I hated them and didn't want to do shit. 2 for getting into it with mgrs.

All in all I've had about 17-20.
Only got fired once. I was working at a job through a temp agency at about 18. This was when computers and the internet weren't as prevalent as they are now.

Who wants to guess why I got fired?