How has social media helped or hurt the dating landscape?


Unverified Legion of Trill member
Apr 4, 2017
i have been married for quite a while but speaking with my single seems like its almost impossible to date now without social media.

but has it helped or hurt the dating game?

from what i hear its getting easy but hard at the same time.

you can find tons of chicks but then you also have tons of crazy chicks in that group.

you have people only speaking to each other on the phone...and when i say phone i mean texting.

how you say good morning with a text? spelling it gm

in the middle of the day you get a "wyd" text.

got niggas saying lol instead of using actual laughter.

people dont even know how to have a face to face conversation now.

you can talk all day on facebook then get silent in

so is it helping or hurting the dating landscape?
I think anybody that allows social media to dictate their views when it comes to relationships is a dickhead lol

so basically Im saying the world is swarming with dick heads
Its like you and I were made for each other. Maybe in another life time word to Badu

Too many mfs need validation and measure what a good relationship is or a real man is based off some fuckin meme they seen posted.
another great point.....

the need for validation.

i see so many very pretty chicks acting like ugly chicks to get attention.

and the niggas who feed this is just as bad.

i dont like the ass on the sink photos chicks dont have a mirror in your bedroom? isnt that a red flag? if she aint got a mirror in her bedroom....she dont wash her ass.
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I have 0 social media accounts and there have been times where I met chicks and down the line they refused to mess with me cause I told them I didnt have a social media account when they asked. They thought I was married or had a girl and was trying to cheat. Haha
yeah im "out the game" but I see this validation and self hate shit all day

chick will be pretty af and post a nice looking pic with a buncha doubtful quotes that kill the shit

"excuse my hair" (hair is literally fine)

"I should have cleaned my nails" (but you didnt...and we're left to deal with this smudge on your right pinky nail smh)

"new do.....I dont really like it" (why oh why in the fuck did you post it then?)
I was with my sons dad before the social media boom. My other ex had a Facebook account but was never on it. Which made me ask why he had one period.

My next dude. I prefer him not to have one. I’ll even delete mine, if we get serious.
yeah im "out the game" but I see this validation and self hate shit all day

chick will be pretty af and post a nice looking pic with a buncha doubtful quotes that kill the shit

"excuse my hair" (hair is literally fine)

"I should have cleaned my nails" (but you didnt...and we're left to deal with this smudge on your right pinky nail smh)

"new do.....I dont really like it" (why oh why in the fuck did you post it then?)

on the flip side of that, this game has given some of the nobodies confidence like never before

im on POF and Tinder lookin for some 3 way action and its real live ugmo's w/ no job on there talking about where they WONT eat at and how NOT to come at them lol
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Hurting. Considering that my city is bull and it don't be that many women on pof