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COMMUNITY How do you sleep?

I have terrible sleeping habits. I never really "go to sleep". I usually just pass out/doze off doing something. So most times I wake up in awkward positions.
second row, third pic........I can't sleep on my back I have sleep apnea(sp) I'm fairly slim I don't guess weight always applies....On my back though I always jump up gasping for air....I sleep on my side i can't get comfortable without a pillow between my knees and one between my arms, I constantly switch sides cause my shoulders get sore
Do any of y’all have any sleeping habits or routines.
Have to sleep a certain way, do a certain sleep dance before getting in the bed, drink water, etc.?
Do any of y’all have any sleeping habits or routines.
Have to sleep a certain way, do a certain sleep dance before getting in the bed, drink water, etc.?

i drink water, sleep w/ it next to my bed incase i wake up in the middle of the night and ill occasionally have some nature sounds playin from my google home
My entire house keeps water by the bed

Sleep with TV on until I fall anap. Then I wake up and turn it off
1st one in the second row

if the wife is gone or something i can get up and that side of the bed is still made, i just gotta pull my corner of the spread up

i sleep light as shit and she swears me and the 3 yr old have some kinda connection.....i always know when she's awake, even way in her room

i'll sit up like "kid is up"....and she's like what are you talking about?.....30 seconds later our bedroom door handle starts to turn and you see them fingers come around lol