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High school kid head used as a speed bag by school staff for talking recklessness’s

Kids definitely talked shit to adults bro

It’s good that you had respect but we don’t live in a perfect world.

A grown man who’s a teacher beating up a defenseless kid doesn’t make him look better though,…the parent/guardians are the ones to do that

Not in the 70's. Not if you wanted to make it to see another day you didn't.
Listen man, kids these days are bad as hell. Every time I’m with my daughter around her middle school buddies I think they need an ass whoopin and I couldn’t be a teacher in this social media age.

I get it but as an adult you don’t fight kids like Niggas on the streets you will be fired for a reason
Not in the 70's. Not if you wanted to make it to see another day you didn't.

Based on the things I’ve seen I can’t agree with this

There were always kids who talked back and said things that were disrespectful….no matter the time

I’m not condoning it. It definitely needs to be checked, but stop acting like kids from the past were angels who never did wrong

That’s your nostalgic pride talking…..and it creates a condescending attitude which ironically makes the next generation worse
Based on the things I’ve seen I can’t agree with this

There were always kids who talked back and said things that were disrespectful….no matter the time

I’m not condoning it. It definitely needs to be checked, but stop acting like kids from the past were angels who never did wrong

That’s your nostalgic pride talking…..and it creates a condescending attitude which ironically makes the next generation worse
That don’t mean kids don’t do it at a higher rate now.

It was single family households too but the rate is higher now
My thing is folks think whooping kids ass saves the day all the kids who got whipped in 60 and 70s became crackheads I mean wasn’t the 80s and 90s the worst time for the country? Whipping ass ain’t the sole answer
Kids don’t get spankings today and they all pill popping, having to smoke all day animals

Shit but I knew kid who did get spankings and still did drugs. Like you act like kids who got they ass beat never got in trouble. It’s also kids who didn’t get whooped and didn’t get a felony.

The whoopings with no corrections were a thing bro
Best case scenario for him, even though he took the L, he stood up for himself infront of all them kids. And it’s on the internet, for the rest of the school year, the summer, and the first half of the next school year. That boy is a pussy mag’ga’net…he better cash in that card and eat offa dis like a real nigga supposed to.
Based on the things I’ve seen I can’t agree with this

There were always kids who talked back and said things that were disrespectful….no matter the time

I’m not condoning it. It definitely needs to be checked, but stop acting like kids from the past were angels who never did wrong

That’s your nostalgic pride talking…..and it creates a condescending attitude which ironically makes the next generation worse

Then let me clarify: there were so very few kids that talked back or got smart with adults in my day that is might as well not even exist. And those kids that did were usually white, not Black. Yes there were some miscreants in the projects or the ghetto that got wild with it, but that wasn't the norm by any stretch of the imagination. There's always exceptions, can't really deny that.

Today, it's the norm. Kids are disrespectful as fuck nowadays. I've witnessed lil ass kids cussin at grown folks only a few months ago. That shit genuinely didn't happen in my day unless you wanted to die (figuratively).
Then let me clarify: there were so very few kids that talked back or got smart with adults in my day that is might as well not even exist. And those kids that did were usually white, not Black. Yes there were some miscreants in the projects or the ghetto that got wild with it, but that wasn't the norm by any stretch of the imagination. There's always exceptions, can't really deny that.

Today, it's the norm. Kids are disrespectful as fuck nowadays. I've witnessed lil ass kids cussin at grown folks only a few months ago. That shit genuinely didn't happen in my day unless you wanted to die (figuratively).

Bruh you’re just older and really out of touch. Your kids are not the only respectful kids in the country is not the norm for kids to square up with a teacher like just because y’all see it in the internet don’t mean it’s everywhere
Bruh you’re just older and really out of touch. Your kids are not the only respectful kids in the country is not the norm for kids to square up with a teacher like just because y’all see it in the internet don’t mean it’s everywhere

I'm not out of touch. The fact that I can see these kids nowadays as disrespectful is being in touch. What's being out of touch is looking at these sames kids and their behavior and being like "oh no, that's fine". That's being completely out of touch with reality.

These lil ass niggas, and I'm talking 7-8 years old, was literally squaring up against the hood hoes next door to me 'cause them lil niglets threw a big ass rock at the one chick's daughter and hit her with it. Lil nigga talmbout "bitch I'll throw one at you too!". I barely got out of my seat to go check the lil muhfucka when one of the other older cats stepped in like "throw that at her and I'll beat yo lil ass"

Of course the shit escalated, lil boy ran to his apt to get his momma, she came over talking her shit, OG said they both needed an ass whoppin, and all kinda shit until the cops showed up to break it up.

This kind of shit was a weekly occurrence. There was one bad ass lil nigga that got into some shit with another family which ended in his momma pullin a gun on the other boy's father, cops got called, momma got hemmed up by 5-0 'cause she tried to hide the gun and hook found it. Other father ID'ed the gun and she wound up on probation 'cause she was back a few days later on tether, then a few months after that PO's were regularly knocking on their door.

And that's scratching the surface. These lil bad ass muhfuckas I was living around will definitely square up with anybody, so doing so with a teacher would just be par for the course.