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Have you made a detrimental mistake on the job

You retired or got out? If so did you get any VA benefits and did you try to claim PTSD?

I understand where you're coming from with your statements though

I got out. No retirement. I never went about PTSD because I don't wanna cheat the system with a illness that serious that I know people really have. I'm sure I can game them and end up qualifying for it but I don't wanna do that.
Or, have you witnessed a coworker who made the mistake? If so, what was the consequence of the mistake.

When I worked at the airport. A co-worker messed up the bag count going on the plane. He was off by like 100 or something like. Had Ops not caught it, it could have brought the plane down.

I don't recall the supervisors being mad cause like I said Ops caught it plus we still had like 15-20mins til the plane was scheduled to leave and get the count right.
When I worked for a telecom company years ago splicing copper. I was brand new on working on a particular technology that fed the local news station here in Charlotte. We tested the network before we cut anything but never saw any network on the cable so we assumed it wasn't working. Well it was Myself and another new guy took down the entire CBS news network and weather systems. They was going to fire us but luckily the union stepped in and saved us
How did your union save yall from being fired when it was yall fault and was something so major?
This thread took a strange turn. I was thinking on the lines of the mistakes may cause money, time, and/or equipment loss. Some of yall out here endangering lives, lol. But im not joking bout that military story.
A cook at my job served one the patients the wrong textured food and the patient almost choked to death.

Dude got written up.
My one and only detrimental mistake on a job was delivering a newspaper to a house that had a dog on its lawn.

I shoulda known from all those cartoons and movies I watched that if u deliver something to a house with a dog on the lawn ur ass is gonna get chased.
So obviously this nigga got up ran me down a whole block. Like some cliche movie scene. Only thing that saved me that day was I used to run track. That bitch couldn't keep up.

Its owners (my neighbours) had the gall to not believe me when I told them what happened.