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Have you made a detrimental mistake on the job

Lol...people still hire us

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The SGT who was the most senior person in that room with us still got promoted on the 1st of the next month. The Company Gunnery SGT was giving a speech at is promotion about how much honor and courage he has and how he was honored to be the one to pin him in his promotion ceremony.

We was all standing there like


I can only imagine how that must have been really fucking with all you guys...... sad stuff.

It sounds sadistic to say this but the only thing that made it easier to deal with was more death.

The whole time out there your main goal is to get back home to your own family.

Every time somebody died it only made that goal of getting back home stronger.

People died for all types of reasons and in a way it's just like back home. People die for causes or violence or their own actions and then people just die unexpectedly.

There was 2 suicides from that same Logistics unit while we was out there.

You almost don't have time to truly grieve any sort of loss because you gotta stay on your shit.

Humans can be real fucked up creatures. Sometimes it's hard to explain how we even just go on with life after some shit. We just keep it moving like it's nothing. Shits wild.
It sounds sadistic to say this but the only thing that made it easier to deal with was more death.

The whole time out there your main goal is to get back home to your own family.

Every time somebody died it only made that goal of getting back home stronger.

People died for all types of reasons and in a way it's just like back home. People die for causes or violence or their own actions and then people just die unexpectedly.

There was 2 suicides from that same Logistics unit while we was out there.

You almost don't have time to truly grieve any sort of loss because you gotta stay on your shit.

Humans can be real fucked up creatures. Sometimes it's hard to explain how we even just go on with life after some shit. We just keep it moving like it's nothing. Shits wild.

You retired or got out? If so did you get any VA benefits and did you try to claim PTSD?

I understand where you're coming from with your statements though
Damn, you was bout to kill someone. How was that day for you? Like, did it stop you from doing anything that day or maybe couldnt sleep?
I was cool. I was ok with I forgot. But the real issues was the shock sensor said it was multiple impacts.
And for the chemicals to come out, you gotta damn near turn it in it’s side.
The shape of the bottle limits shake spills.
So say someone doesn’t lock the wheels on their table and they trip and hit the table and it bangs the wall...you may get a few drops to come out.
They said the whole inside bottom of the box and device was wet.
I did forget to take them out but whoever shipped was crazy with. Even tho the chemicals shouldn’t have been there.
When I was deployed I was working at night on a flight line one time.

It was me, 4 other Marines, and 1 civilian contractor.

We each had our own desktop and there was 1 phone in the room.

When the phone rung it was usually a unit calling for a medical emergency or asking for boots in the air to go reign fire or some ill shit.

We was all in a heated sports discussion. Talking about football and shit. We were working but just talking and shit.

I left to go take a shit at like 2AM that night. On my way back I saw this dude that I went to boot camp with so I stopped outside and we started talking and catching up and shit. I was standing right outside the door so I could hear them still inside getting loud as fuck still arguing about football. Now the argument shifted to geography and living in the south and shit like that. It was basically an north vs south debate now and east vs west. You know like how a lot of sports conversations shift when they get heated.

I wasn't trying to argue all night so I just posted up outside with my dude and kept talking.

There was a Logistics unit that was calling our phone for like 4 minutes straight.

I was outside so I couldn't hear the phone. They were still arguing inside.

I went inside to tell them that they were too loud and the phone was ringing.

I picked it up and it was that Logistics unit calling for a Med Evac.

Two British soldiers got shot on a mission with some of our Marines. They were bleeding out in the field and they were calling for a Med Evac flight to go out there and get them. I made the call for the Med Evac team to go out there and get them.

The died when they got there.

Those dudes were bleeding for 16 minutes before the team got there.

The Command was trying to pin the late response on me at first because I answered the phone but I wasn't the most senior Marine in the room and everybody in the room knows that I was the one doing the least amount of arguing so they covered for me. Plus I answered the phone and who knows when one of them would've picked it up.

They ended up dropping it and chalked it up to that Logistics unit not being properly prepared for that mission so they didn't blame our slow response.

We all went to their funerals out there like a week later.

At the time it was the saddest moment of my entire life.

I know in my heart that if we would've answered that phone sooner they would've gotten help faster. Maybe they still would've died but I feel like they could've been saved.

For a while I felt responsible for those two guys dying.
Damn that’s crazy.

But ain’t you the same nigga be in here talking us to death.
You think I was about to click the link and listen to that nigga's shit in the middle of training? I deleted that shit and moved on with my day. This was in 2008. Nigga might be a superstar now for all I know. Lol.
Lol..woulda been even funnier if yall was in the middle of the diversity and inclusion part of onboarding and he was on there wilding about bitches and fuck niggaz
Closest I got was at my last job as a chemical technician. I was doing maintenance on this restaurants dish machine and I would always like to Delime the machine before I took off cuz the water gets a lot of calcium build up and food caught up in it. So i empty out the water and refill the machine. Add some delimer and put it in delime mode where it doesnt dispense any chemicals. It just spins and dispenses the water everywhere in the machine. As im sitting there trying to look busy I notice the squeeze tubes are real worn so I figure i would change the bleach one before it goes out and I get called back cuz their bleach isnt dispensing.

Stupidly, to try and save time, I start removing the old squeeze tube. When i take it out, the bleach of course loses its prime in the lines and about 10ML of bleach goes into the water tank with the delimer in it. I wasnt even thinking about it at first but then i get this smell and pain in my eyes and look down to see the bleach going into the tank. Immediately i hold my breath and drain the machine and just hold the Fill button so water starts going down the drain. No one was in the dish pit with me thankfully, but it was the middle of a lunch rush. I sat there holding the fill button for like 5 mins just taking little gasps of air. My heart was pounding so fast and i couldnt tell if it was from panic or breathing in fumes. I stood back and tried to catch my breath and thankfully nothing was burning when id breath or look around.

Couple of techs at the job had done something similar with chemical reactions and had to clear out the whole Restaurant or Hospital in one instance.
Remember the mailroom where I used to kick boxes? Week I was the site Supervisor there. It was a small university.. Just me on the document center side, my homie on the mailroom side.. sometimes we had a floater come in to hang.

Now we created a real chill campus atmosphere in my doc center/mail room/ office. Mad people from the University would come chill. Students would hang.... Our point of contact would sometimes send students to do work steady on big mail shipments. Professors came thru to hang out. The UPS man took his lunch in there every day. Staff would just stay calling us whenever they had pizza or Chinese or anything.... Great place.

Racist ass ex police head of security hated our guts.

Now because I was mostly in charge....I was masterful in my dismissive treatment of the dude. He was on campus for 20 and I used to joke how girls would sneak me in the dorms back in '03-'05. It was like 2012 when this story took place. So I was basically telling him campus security been a joke and everybody knew it..

So the tables turned when our point of contact left the University and the head of security became our new POC. He was determined to fuck with us. And while he evwbi got fired.... He got rid of us first. Fucked the entire contract up.Shit was terrible. We both were taken off the account and my boy ended up getting fired. It was grimey as fuck, but we should have been sharper.

Basically, the mailroom nigga ran his ebay business at work. (Remember the "jordans")I knew, the University knew, my manager knew.... Everybody knew

It was never a problem. But........ It's against company rules. We were the only black people involved. And white people petty. We got too comfortable.

One day I leave like 4:45 ish.... Mailroom nigga outside the mailroom waiting on the mail pick up to lock up. He typically stay late anyway to fuck with the computer.... So I'm comfortable again leaving early....

A student comes in the mailroom to talk to the mail dude about some side business shit

She a little bad Puerto Rican chick... she got caught on campus a few times by security fucking... She sits down to wait for the mail dude. The head of security walks in and sees her. HE knowS who she due to her run ins, and giving her the 5th degree. She leaves out... He follows her outside. They get into an argument. Mad people see it. He looks bad.

Mailroom nigga on the other side of the building... Hears nothing... Comes back inside after the mail pick up and the security nigga is trying to jump down his throat.

My homie is 100% u bothered. As far as he was concerned, it was after 5. He was off.... And he had a 3-day weekend. If the man had a problem, he could holla at me tomorrow. And walked out on the dude laughing the whole time cuz he was like this white dude really trying to take it there...

So of course he mad now. He calls my manager to get the mail room nigga fired. My manager calls me, I had heard about it by then, and told him what was up. They said they weren't going to fire him, but they wanted to pack his stuff and move it to another account for when he came back from his vacation.

The whole next day security homie was acting like he won.... And it got on my nerves. Still does. But whatever. At the end of the day I was in the office finishing up the billing. And I saw my homies shit packed up in crates on the desks.

So I was like fuck it and put them in my car. I was going to take him his shit myself

Well that shit almost got me fired.

It was crazy. What was worse was I think the only reason he wanted the shit to stay there over the weekend was to plant shit in there t get homie fired.

And I said this to my manager.

And I think the only thing that kept me from getting fired was the fact that my homie had to pick his stuff up from the police station because the dude 100% planted some shit in there...
So the security ex police got fired...

But by the time he got fired both of us were pulled from the site.... Our company as a whole list the contract... And I was in the dog house since... Basically they put me on the floater team. Which was like leaving me dead in the water when covid started

I was being paid more than the entire team, including the Supervisor.... And the whole team has been grounded since March of last year.... It was easy for them ??‍♂️??‍♂️
I was 16 working as a ride conductor at the amusement park here Canada's wonderland. It was my first or second day training and I forgot to make sure the seats were locked in on a ride.

No one died so no one cared. I saw a bunch of unsafe shit go down in there that summer and I've never set foot in there since and never will again.

Surprised no one has died there yet.