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Have you made a detrimental mistake on the job


Here to point out the illogical
Was there a time that you made a huge detrimental mistake while at work? Could be a past job. Or, have you witnessed a coworker who made the mistake? If so, what was the consequence of the mistake.

I cant name the place of business but I was a contractor and i worked with other contractors and government folks. Everyone has accounts to access the computers and profiles to access the email. One day, me and my coworkers had issues logging in. We call the help desk and even they could not log on. Now you got the government folk involved and some of the higher ups because they cant log in. Turns out, our accounts were deleted by dude. He accidentally did it. 1000s of accounts. Man, we were down for hours. They let dude go on the spot. Our accounts were able to be recovered.
I shit you not, 2nd week of training at my current job, which is at a very popular, Fortune 100 company, this nigga mistakenly emailed his mixtape to not only the entire training class, but the entire department.

That nigga ain't even make it the rest of the day. They came and got homie outta the training class and sent him home.
I made a mistake at my last contract. This was my first year on the job. I was doing network engineering. I went to do a survey/meeting for a customer to get her requirements. She needed a new switch to connect more computers. The switch had to be copper/rj45. So I put in the order to Cisco. Bout a month later, I get the switch. I unbox it and my heart sank. I ordered the wrong switch. It was a fiber switch instead of copper. Mind you, Cisco switches can start at $15,000. Didnt tell my leads. Asked a coworker for help. Told me to get an end of life switch out the warehouse. Did just that, and installed it. Thankfully, the customer doesnt know anything bout switches and Doesnt receive the paperwork. Bosses never found out.
One of the time I was preparing a device to go a trade show.

I forgot to take out some of the chemicals before packing it.

shit musta got shook around in shipping and turned over and mixed...which created some toxic mix and when my manager opened it up...he got sick and they had to evacuate the hall until they cleaned it up.

my manager went crazy .....I don’t even remember how I went under the radar.

but no one said shit to me.
I shit you not, 2nd week of training at my current job, which is at a very popular, Fortune 100 company, this nigga mistakenly emailed his mixtape to not only the entire training class, but the entire department.

That nigga ain't even make it the rest of the day. They came and got homie outta the training class and sent him home.
My nigga's mixtape was so trash he got fired from his new job.....sheesh
One of the time I was preparing a device to go a trade show.

I forgot to take out some of the chemicals before packing it.

shit musta got shook around in shipping and turned over and mixed...which created some toxic mix and when my manager opened it up...he got sick and they had to evacuate the hall until they cleaned it up.

my manager went crazy .....I don’t even remember how I went under the radar.

but no one said shit to me.
Damn, you was bout to kill someone. How was that day for you? Like, did it stop you from doing anything that day or maybe couldnt sleep?
When I worked for a telecom company years ago splicing copper. I was brand new on working on a particular technology that fed the local news station here in Charlotte. We tested the network before we cut anything but never saw any network on the cable so we assumed it wasn't working. Well it was Myself and another new guy took down the entire CBS news network and weather systems. They was going to fire us but luckily the union stepped in and saved us
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And when I was a service tech I used to keep a really messy van. One day I'm at a house that's on stilts and dude wants a outlet. I'm thinking aight bet, ima get my flex bit, drill down in between the wall, and wall fish it with the bit, 20 minute job.

So my truck was so junky that I couldnt find my flex bit, so I grabbed a basic wood bit and went through the floor in the same area. So I'm drilling down and for a second it seemed like all the power in the house went off.

While I'm thinking that's weird, I start to smell an electrical burn. I pull up my drill and the still bit is melted. I dip outside and look under the home and the installation is on fire. I go back to the truck for the fire extinguisher and my truck is so junky..well u get the deal.

I dip under the house and grab sand off the surface and put the fire out. To make matters worse the cst is on oxygen and my company gotta over pay a electrician to be out there within 3 hours to fix the power.

I straight up when through the 120 that fed the house. But then I thought, if I had found my flex bit, ida been dead cause one hand woulda been holding the flex bit.

Thank good I was a slob when I was younger, it saved my life
When I was deployed I was working at night on a flight line one time.

It was me, 4 other Marines, and 1 civilian contractor.

We each had our own desktop and there was 1 phone in the room.

When the phone rung it was usually a unit calling for a medical emergency or asking for boots in the air to go reign fire or some ill shit.

We was all in a heated sports discussion. Talking about football and shit. We were working but just talking and shit.

I left to go take a shit at like 2AM that night. On my way back I saw this dude that I went to boot camp with so I stopped outside and we started talking and catching up and shit. I was standing right outside the door so I could hear them still inside getting loud as fuck still arguing about football. Now the argument shifted to geography and living in the south and shit like that. It was basically an north vs south debate now and east vs west. You know like how a lot of sports conversations shift when they get heated.

I wasn't trying to argue all night so I just posted up outside with my dude and kept talking.

There was a Logistics unit that was calling our phone for like 4 minutes straight.

I was outside so I couldn't hear the phone. They were still arguing inside.

I went inside to tell them that they were too loud and the phone was ringing.

I picked it up and it was that Logistics unit calling for a Med Evac.

Two British soldiers got shot on a mission with some of our Marines. They were bleeding out in the field and they were calling for a Med Evac flight to go out there and get them. I made the call for the Med Evac team to go out there and get them.

The died when they got there.

Those dudes were bleeding for 16 minutes before the team got there.

The Command was trying to pin the late response on me at first because I answered the phone but I wasn't the most senior Marine in the room and everybody in the room knows that I was the one doing the least amount of arguing so they covered for me. Plus I answered the phone and who knows when one of them would've picked it up.

They ended up dropping it and chalked it up to that Logistics unit not being properly prepared for that mission so they didn't blame our slow response.

We all went to their funerals out there like a week later.

At the time it was the saddest moment of my entire life.

I know in my heart that if we would've answered that phone sooner they would've gotten help faster. Maybe they still would've died but I feel like they could've been saved.

For a while I felt responsible for those two guys dying.
I shit you not, 2nd week of training at my current job, which is at a very popular, Fortune 100 company, this nigga mistakenly emailed his mixtape to not only the entire training class, but the entire department.

That nigga ain't even make it the rest of the day. They came and got homie outta the training class and sent him home.

Was the tape trash?
When I was deployed I was working at night on a flight line one time.

It was me, 4 other Marines, and 1 civilian contractor.

We each had our own desktop and there was 1 phone in the room.

When the phone rung it was usually a unit calling for a medical emergency or asking for boots in the air to go reign fire or some ill shit.

We was all in a heated sports discussion. Talking about football and shit. We were working but just talking and shit.

I left to go take a shit at like 2AM that night. On my way back I saw this dude that I went to boot camp with so I stopped outside and we started talking and catching up and shit. I was standing right outside the door so I could hear them still inside getting loud as fuck still arguing about football. Now the argument shifted to geography and living in the south and shit like that. It was basically an north vs south debate now and east vs west. You know like how a lot of sports conversations shift when they get heated.

I wasn't trying to argue all night so I just posted up outside with my dude and kept talking.

There was a Logistics unit that was calling our phone for like 4 minutes straight.

I was outside so I couldn't hear the phone. They were still arguing inside.

I went inside to tell them that they were too loud and the phone was ringing.

I picked it up and it was that Logistics unit calling for a Med Evac.

Two British soldiers got shot on a mission with some of our Marines. They were bleeding out in the field and they were calling for a Med Evac flight to go out there and get them. I made the call for the Med Evac team to go out there and get them.

The died when they got there.

Those dudes were bleeding for 16 minutes before the team got there.

The Command was trying to pin the late response on me at first because I answered the phone but I wasn't the most senior Marine in the room and everybody in the room knows that I was the one doing the least amount of arguing so they covered for me. Plus I answered the phone and who knows when one of them would've picked it up.

They ended up dropping it and chalked it up to that Logistics unit not being properly prepared for that mission so they didn't blame our slow response.

We all went to their funerals out there like a week later.

At the time it was the saddest moment of my entire life.

I know in my heart that if we would've answered that phone sooner they would've gotten help faster. Maybe they still would've died but I feel like they could've been saved.

For a while I felt responsible for those two guys dying.
Damn bruh
just recently had the worst tax season in my 10 years here, even tho it wasnt me

the girl that had been with me for 3 years quit in like September....so I went into this shit with 2 temps (which we've never done before)

long story short there was a ton of peoples information that got mixed up and sent to the wrong companies and shit....a few clients fired us, we had to let one of the temps go (the main culprit)

shit like that happens with payroll every now and then too....nothing we can do but take the hit and fix it...i've never been in any trouble behind it

my supervisor double taxed somebody's whole batch.....an extra 1.5M was drafted from their account for a total of 3M, at once

while explaining this to the president and finance manager, he say's "well I gotta have the record for sales revenue in one day, right?" kmsl
When I was deployed I was working at night on a flight line one time.

It was me, 4 other Marines, and 1 civilian contractor.

We each had our own desktop and there was 1 phone in the room.

When the phone rung it was usually a unit calling for a medical emergency or asking for boots in the air to go reign fire or some ill shit.

We was all in a heated sports discussion. Talking about football and shit. We were working but just talking and shit.

I left to go take a shit at like 2AM that night. On my way back I saw this dude that I went to boot camp with so I stopped outside and we started talking and catching up and shit. I was standing right outside the door so I could hear them still inside getting loud as fuck still arguing about football. Now the argument shifted to geography and living in the south and shit like that. It was basically an north vs south debate now and east vs west. You know like how a lot of sports conversations shift when they get heated.

I wasn't trying to argue all night so I just posted up outside with my dude and kept talking.

There was a Logistics unit that was calling our phone for like 4 minutes straight.

I was outside so I couldn't hear the phone. They were still arguing inside.

I went inside to tell them that they were too loud and the phone was ringing.

I picked it up and it was that Logistics unit calling for a Med Evac.

Two British soldiers got shot on a mission with some of our Marines. They were bleeding out in the field and they were calling for a Med Evac flight to go out there and get them. I made the call for the Med Evac team to go out there and get them.

The died when they got there.

Those dudes were bleeding for 16 minutes before the team got there.

The Command was trying to pin the late response on me at first because I answered the phone but I wasn't the most senior Marine in the room and everybody in the room knows that I was the one doing the least amount of arguing so they covered for me. Plus I answered the phone and who knows when one of them would've picked it up.

They ended up dropping it and chalked it up to that Logistics unit not being properly prepared for that mission so they didn't blame our slow response.

We all went to their funerals out there like a week later.

At the time it was the saddest moment of my entire life.

I know in my heart that if we would've answered that phone sooner they would've gotten help faster. Maybe they still would've died but I feel like they could've been saved.

For a while I felt responsible for those two guys dying.

Damn bruh
When I was deployed I was working at night on a flight line one time.

It was me, 4 other Marines, and 1 civilian contractor.

We each had our own desktop and there was 1 phone in the room.

When the phone rung it was usually a unit calling for a medical emergency or asking for boots in the air to go reign fire or some ill shit.

We was all in a heated sports discussion. Talking about football and shit. We were working but just talking and shit.

I left to go take a shit at like 2AM that night. On my way back I saw this dude that I went to boot camp with so I stopped outside and we started talking and catching up and shit. I was standing right outside the door so I could hear them still inside getting loud as fuck still arguing about football. Now the argument shifted to geography and living in the south and shit like that. It was basically an north vs south debate now and east vs west. You know like how a lot of sports conversations shift when they get heated.

I wasn't trying to argue all night so I just posted up outside with my dude and kept talking.

There was a Logistics unit that was calling our phone for like 4 minutes straight.

I was outside so I couldn't hear the phone. They were still arguing inside.

I went inside to tell them that they were too loud and the phone was ringing.

I picked it up and it was that Logistics unit calling for a Med Evac.

Two British soldiers got shot on a mission with some of our Marines. They were bleeding out in the field and they were calling for a Med Evac flight to go out there and get them. I made the call for the Med Evac team to go out there and get them.

The died when they got there.

Those dudes were bleeding for 16 minutes before the team got there.

The Command was trying to pin the late response on me at first because I answered the phone but I wasn't the most senior Marine in the room and everybody in the room knows that I was the one doing the least amount of arguing so they covered for me. Plus I answered the phone and who knows when one of them would've picked it up.

They ended up dropping it and chalked it up to that Logistics unit not being properly prepared for that mission so they didn't blame our slow response.

We all went to their funerals out there like a week later.

At the time it was the saddest moment of my entire life.

I know in my heart that if we would've answered that phone sooner they would've gotten help faster. Maybe they still would've died but I feel like they could've been saved.

For a while I felt responsible for those two guys dying.

I was gonna talk about tha time I scrapped out a $150k nuclear ring...

Now that shit don’t mean nuttin in comparison...
When I was deployed I was working at night on a flight line one time.

It was me, 4 other Marines, and 1 civilian contractor.

We each had our own desktop and there was 1 phone in the room.

When the phone rung it was usually a unit calling for a medical emergency or asking for boots in the air to go reign fire or some ill shit.

We was all in a heated sports discussion. Talking about football and shit. We were working but just talking and shit.

I left to go take a shit at like 2AM that night. On my way back I saw this dude that I went to boot camp with so I stopped outside and we started talking and catching up and shit. I was standing right outside the door so I could hear them still inside getting loud as fuck still arguing about football. Now the argument shifted to geography and living in the south and shit like that. It was basically an north vs south debate now and east vs west. You know like how a lot of sports conversations shift when they get heated.

I wasn't trying to argue all night so I just posted up outside with my dude and kept talking.

There was a Logistics unit that was calling our phone for like 4 minutes straight.

I was outside so I couldn't hear the phone. They were still arguing inside.

I went inside to tell them that they were too loud and the phone was ringing.

I picked it up and it was that Logistics unit calling for a Med Evac.

Two British soldiers got shot on a mission with some of our Marines. They were bleeding out in the field and they were calling for a Med Evac flight to go out there and get them. I made the call for the Med Evac team to go out there and get them.

The died when they got there.

Those dudes were bleeding for 16 minutes before the team got there.

The Command was trying to pin the late response on me at first because I answered the phone but I wasn't the most senior Marine in the room and everybody in the room knows that I was the one doing the least amount of arguing so they covered for me. Plus I answered the phone and who knows when one of them would've picked it up.

They ended up dropping it and chalked it up to that Logistics unit not being properly prepared for that mission so they didn't blame our slow response.

We all went to their funerals out there like a week later.

At the time it was the saddest moment of my entire life.

I know in my heart that if we would've answered that phone sooner they would've gotten help faster. Maybe they still would've died but I feel like they could've been saved.

For a while I felt responsible for those two guys dying.


I can only imagine how that must have been really fucking with all you guys...... sad stuff.