SMH at the ignorance and never ending search for an accountability trap door by you and your Barnie Rubble ass sidekick
@Race Jones. All of these recent Oprah/Gayle/Weinstein/Russel Simmons threads have all been made in the context of the Oprah/Russel Simmons doc. Fuck makes you think this one post out of all of the hundreds that have been made over the past few weeks was the only one that wasn't about an Oprah produced doc? Fuck are talking about???
You are a clown. Your attempts to excuse the inexcusable and justify the indefensible is beyond ridiculous. Even white folks are starting to admit the obvious. Inb4 you and Race come trying to run over to our side and pretend that you always agreed with us once white people tell you it's ok. Fohwtbs. You and that self hating
@Race Jones deserve each other.