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This looks to basically be a rehash of the first, with Denzel playing the slave owner, this new guy playing Maximus, and an even crazier emporer.

I’m cool with that though because the first Gladiator is one of my favorite movies ever. It can only be better with Denzel and Pedro in it.
Not bad at all I think Ima give this a look when it drops.

Lol how does Denzel's character have such a prominent role and he's chillen in Ancient Rome as if there was no racism??? I aint see one clip of any cracka raging about Denzel's status.
People weren’t tripping about Djimon’s character in the first either. Rome was built on capitalism and excess so if he bringing the money they don’t give af. At least in this imagining of the country and that era.
I didn't look for historical accuracies in the first movie. Not looking for them in the 2nd. I just want to be entertained lol

Curious how Pedro dies in this movie lol

Gonna be like Game of Thrones

Should this movie be made? Like why mess with perfection.

The fact Ridley who is 86 is directing it gives me some confidence. He's been hot and cold but when he's on one, let him cook

Him never winning an Oscar is crazy to me. Should have won for Gladiator and the Martian
1. I’m going to watch

2. Denzel as the evil King
- I’m going to watch

3. I need more black people, not just Denzel.
Makes it more believable, to have a black King and some black people too
There were black men very much involved in the Roman Republic and nor just as gladiators, slaves, and soldiers... but merchants, noblemen, and of religious ranking