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When discussing a rapper and his legacy, how does having a writer play into it?

Snoop has done full albums with writers and allegedly had help from D.O.C on his earlier work. Do you penalize him for that?

Scarface had a handful of his verses penned by Willie D, do you hold that against him?

In case you're wondering, yes I'm tying all of this back around to Drake. So be careful how you answer this.​
Shit is like wrestling man u grow up and figure out this shit is mostly a business and dudes are playing parts. I'm guessing that's why that Drake shit didn't blow up like Meek thought because most people in the business already knew. Didn't tarnish Diddy legacy and I doubt it will tarnish Drake's.
Your post reminds me of that drake line:

"even when the phantoms leased them hoes wanna get in"
Anyone can be a rapper...(Beyonce raps on The Carter Album, Rihanna raps on the song Lemons with the N.E.R.D, & Blondie rap with Fab Five Freddy back in the day) Everybody wants to be a MC( Drake, Diddy, Kanye West, Eazy-E & many others)... but not everyone can be a lyricist...(Rakim, Grandmaster Caz, Nas, 2Pac, Kendrick Lamar & others)....We need to separate the three when talking about the best Hip-Hop Artists.
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When it's all said and done, Kanye West will go down as one of the biggest influencers in Hip Hop history

He will go as a unheralded genuis of his generation

His will go down as top 10, at worst 15, artist of all time

Now go on, what was you saying?
For me it’s like this say u go to an art show right the artist is there and he tells u yo this nigga over here traced and drew this fire ass painting all I did was just go over his painting and added some additional colors....would you ever look at him as an authentic artist? U may cop the painting at the asking price cuz it’s still a fire painting but it ll change ur opinion of the artist
Niggas are still gonna say Scarface, Kanye West and Eazy E are legends and GOATs. Purists HATE that shit but it's the stone cold truth. Eazy E is still one of the OGs for gangsta rap, Scarface is still top 3 GOATs from the south, Kanye West still one of the biggest influences of the new wave generation of HipHop.

It's entertainment at the end of the day. Them having it written for them doesn't mean shit as to how you will be able to relate to it.

This is true, but that speaks on the art. We're not talking about the art itself, this is about the artist. The piece may still be powerful and beautiful, but the person who made it has to share credit with those names when they have a ghost writer. The less help an artist has the more credit they deserve for their art.

If I have a team of 10 guys writing for me there's no way in hell I can truthfully say "that's my art". It would be mine and 10 other guys'
Look at movie directors tho. There are producers, script writers, editors, the likes of which you've prolly never heard but we attribute the vast majority of a film's credit to the director (and actors).

Directors are different. They guide the entire production. The rap music equivalent would be A&R and Exec Producers. We give them tons of credit already. Dre, Timb, and JD get a ton of credit for their work in that area.

Not every rapper with writers is exec producing. That's an important distinction.
Are they tho, if Drake calls his sweat shop and says "I want a song about love that sounds like reggaeton but is easy to sing along" that's still guiding the production no ? I mean he has to tell them what he wants.

The producer who makes the beat is different than the team of people who wrote the movie script that was green lit.

Exec producers don't just make beats, though. If dre is exec producer he's in the Stu with the artist and he decides when a take is good enough. There's footage of him making Gwen and Eve do a million takes to get Let Me Blow Your Mind to sound how he wanted. Exec producers can guide the subject matter, decide on the beat, and even decide on marketing and image. A lot of artists with writers do this themselves (Kanye, Drake) but not all of them do.

Also, just because we do it with film doesn't mean it's not inaccurate. Spielberg and co likely do get way more credit than they are entitled to.
[QUOTE="Sion, post: 512638, member

It's entertainment at the end of the day. Them having it written for them doesn't mean shit as to how you will be able to relate to it.[/QUOTE]

This is my take on it.
Your favorite movie and actor had a script written for them, it didn’t take away from the entertainment.
Now while having ghostwriters does take away from some of the creditably, music wise, for me it doesn’t take away what they did/ have done musically.
Most of the people have classic albums (Dre, Kanye, hell even Wayne when Gille said he was writing for him) that are undisputed with the ghostwriting. It’s entertainment.
But hip hop is different..... when we think of rap we think a nigga and his pen and pad
used to to be how it was looked at, but the rise of the internet did the same thing it did to wrestling. It exposed the business side and it's not as "organic" as pen and pad but look what happened to "freestyles". Half the time they're just throw away bars or something for a future album
If ghostwriting dont bother you then that's cool

But to me personally hip hop is all about how creative you are, the actual rapping part of it doesn't take as much talent..as in rapping rhythmically on beat isnt the difficult part unless you're spitting super fast

To me the true talent comes from how clever your bars are, how intricate your rhymes are, how powerful or dope your storytelling is

If you didn't come up with those things in your songs then where is the talent?
Bruh I give a FUCK who is top 10 or top 20. I care even less whose hot at the moment.

I say that to say that people saying "so what if drake has a ghostwriter, he still top whatever" or "Eazy E had a ghostwriter, hes considered a goat"

Im a grown ass man so public consesus means nothing to me.

The world can consider a rapper the best ever and he/she can sell 10 milliom records in a day, but if its proven said rapper used a ghostwriter, I wont rank them as an emcee.

Now there are instances like NWA or Geto Boys where a member will write the whole song and everyone would spit a verse, but in Scarfaces case he spit verses written by Willie D but Willie D also spit verses written by face. As to my knowledge, Face wrote everything on his solo shit.

Even with Drake, he uses/used ghostwriters but he also wrote some dope shit on his own. Line is a bit blurred with them, so with cases like his, he might get ranked as an emcee but will always be holding an asterisk and never make it to the top.

Im cool with differing opinions and will respect opposing thoughts, but we all grown so lets stop using public consesus and charts to prove our points.

No dick riding for the rest of 2018.
Lol @ using Face as an example. Face is a Goat off of his solo work alone, the Geto boys stuff is just icing on the cake. I look at his case the same way I look at Barry Bonds career, Bonds was HOF worthy before he even started juicing and everyone knows this. They just using the juicing scandal to discredit him cause they didn't like his attitude.