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OPINION Getting Spanked As A Kid Leads To Dating Violence As An Adult

Chi-Town B

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Spanking your children could cause them to become violent with a partner later in life, according to a new study.

A team of researchers interviewed 758 19- and 20-year-olds in southeast Texas. They asked if they experienced violence in their adult relationships and what kind of corporal punishments, including spanking and getting struck with an object, they received as a child.

The study found 69 percent were physically punished during childhood and 19 percent said they committed a form of dating violence.

“Kids who said they had experienced corporal punishment were more likely to have recently committed dating violence,” Jeff Temple, the study’s lead author, told CNN.

The team took into account age, gender, parent’s education and any other history of abuse and found that people who’d been spanked as a kid had a 29 percent higher risk for committing dating violence. But they noted that the correlation between spanking and relationship were the same across the board, regardless of these factors.

Their findings were published in the Journal of Pediatrics.

Researchers added that dating violence can obviously be caused by other factors, such as mental health or substance abuse, but that physical punishment in children should also be considered among the factors.

“While parents may think this form of physical punishment is a good lesson, substantial research indicates that it does way more harm than good,” Temple said in a statement. “While we can’t say that spanking causes later violence, it follows that if a kid learns that physical punishment is a way to solve conflict, he or she may carry that over into conflicts with later intimate partners.”
I ain't get spanked and I never put my hands on a broad in my life.

I don't think father's should spank daughters because the girl's will just grow up thinking that a man putting their hands on them is ok. You can't get mad at a nigga for going upside your daughter's head when you did it
there's a direct link to experiencing and perpetuating violence. like, it aint even argued in academia or law enforcement or any arena with expertise. folks will think up any justification to make their shit okay tho.

worth remembering that at one point wife beating was normalized as long as it didn't leave bruising.
I don't spank my children because it causes more confusion than anything. What does hitting them resolve? What lesson did they learn?

Don't do it or you'll get hit is not a good substitute for don't do it because its bad for you or because youll get hurt. If youre gonna hurt them by beatinh them anyway, whats the point?

Some parents beat their kids for being kids. E.g. dropping a glass, messing up their clothes, repeating a word they heard their parents say etc. That's abuse imo.
I don't spank my children because it causes more confusion than anything. What does hitting them resolve? What lesson did they learn?

Don't do it or you'll get hit is not a good substitute for don't do it because its bad for you or because youll get hurt. If youre gonna hurt them by beatinh them anyway, whats the point?

Some parents beat their kids for being kids. E.g. dropping a glass, messing up their clothes, repeating a word they heard their parents say etc. That's abuse imo.
It's abuse period. If an adult did that same thing and knocked over some glass or spilled something, they'd be handed a towel and given a hand, maybe even asked "you ok?". abusers gon abuse and make excuses tho.
Ppl parent their kids how they want to IMO.

What's good for you, may not be good for the next parent.

Bad ass kids need their ass whoop'd (not all the time), especially the ones that run over the mama and don't listen to her.

Just my thoughts
I spank mine. It’s extremely rare for him to get one though. He doesn’t get spanked for acting up in school or little minor stuff, we talk about it then he gets some shit taken away. He does get spanked for lying to me about major stuff or doing stuff that I told him could harm him. Then we talk and I snatch his shit too. He don’t hate me. I yell at him more than anything though. Spanking isn’t the first thing that comes to my mind.

I got spanked as a kid, mostly for lying about stuff or being sneaky. It wasnt excessive though. I don’t hate my mama. My daddy spanked me once for lying. I love him.

To each it’s own. You’re gonna raise your kid how you want.

I’ve seen people get outta hand with it. Kid talk too much. They getting beat. The kid fell asleep in class. Ass beating. Nah.
Corporal punishment is a last result...”break glass in case of emergency” discipline.

For me and mine...ususally all at takes is a look and I raise my voice...ive only had to spank a handful of times...and I felt like shit lol...but it was necessary
I don't spank, I just truly believe it's counterproductive period. My grandfather and mother love to say "there will come a point where you will NEED to spank" and to me if I feel that way then it's something I'm not communicating properly.
Got ass spanked as a kid.....

Never beat my wife....

Got spanked never put my hands on a woman.

Always thought hitting a kid was dumb, but I'd be lying if I haven't seen some bad ass kids and thought " they need they ass whooped".