
Doctorate & Ph.D in Bootyology
Jan 22, 2017
Is their a yay or nay...right or wrong...proper or improper way to cross you legs while sitting?



1st pic...was me all the way back in my younger days.

2nd pic...me every so often. Especially now that I'm older. It just seems like the gentleman way to sit.

What say you? What's more comfortable for you?
I hate when niggas cross they legs like this

It just dont look comfortable.

I can't even sit cross legged and I'm a lady
I heard that it proper for a man to sit and cross his legs like the 2nd pic. Especially if your sittin across from someone.

Dunno how true that is
I used to not do it, till one day I did it on a whim and happen to be watching TV in a waiting room. Met a woman there, she later told me she talked to me cause I looked mysterious and serious cause the look on my face and the way I sat. I thought it was funny cause I remember that day and I was thinking of cartoons.

Kept doing it out of vanity and it became a habit...tru story
In casual business meeting at the office I might sit like the first pic...

But the full cross...

“That’ll be a no for me dog”
I sit like both pics and I cross my legs at the ankles. Switching between between them every few minutes

I can't sit with both my feet flat on the floor, feels to uncomfortable.

Hell my legs crossed when I'm laying down
So lemme ask yall who say no to the 2nd pic...why?

Is b/c crossing your legs in that manner more of a feminine thing, and not really "masculine"?