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First off the way my knees set up and my lack of flexibility shit i cant even sit indian style

Ten toes down
legs parallel
This is me. I've never been able to sit Indian style. I remember Kindergarten they used to tell us to sit that way and I just couldn't do it. Just had to sit there with my knees up.

So needless to say, it's uncomfortable trying to sit half cross. Full cross is a no-no cause my balls get squished.

If either way was more comfortable for me I'd do it. To hell with anyone's opinions on my sexuality simply for how I'm sitting.
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never thought of there being any type of proper way lol

i've noticed i do the shit more if I have on slacks or something, idk why
Y’all niggas balls tiny if you can sit Indian style. Even my fifth graders can’t sit that way.
it aint got shit to do with lil balls, but yeah

indian style been out of the question for a long time lol

my knees hurting thinking about that shit
I forget out crazily outta shape our members are

This is without stretching
