Mindfucker. Inconvenient Truth + Necessary Evil
Im surprised. I still wanna see it
Im surprised. I still wanna see it
It got trash reviews so that made me fall back from the theaters.But still cant wait to see it.
Will Smith is like Tom cruise to me. Films overall nothing special but I'm almost always entertained.
SameThought it was good, but I had a feeling it wasn't doing numbers considering it was probably 9 people in the whole theater when I saw it.
He has not had a hit as the lead in years. He was a supporting actor in Aladdin.Aladdin made enough money for him to do a few trash movies, I think he will bounce back with the animated movie with Tom Holland
Yup.Will just isn’t a draw anymore. The days where simply a name on a movie poster will guarantee its success died in the 90s.