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I gave up on gta 5 when the 4 dropped, I should've waited and got it for the 4, but I haven't touched it since lol

yeah brah, the online is crazy

i stopped playing after some fuck shit happened to me, but they went all out with heists and drug dealing and shit

ask @Duwop or look in the GTA thread
All that is in the game??

yea, there's honestly probably too much that you can do in that shit.. from owning a nightclub, a money laundering business, a biker club, meth lab, cocaine business, underground bunker, arcade with working games. Not to mention shit like car shows and drag races that the community started doing on their own. It kinda makes you wonder how they gonna make an online for GTA 6. One thing i know is if they do it won't be as good as this one was.

Part of me also starting to think they wont even do an online for 6 cus the current one is so big. They could just leave it as a stand alone and let it keep running as "GTA Online" with big updates from time to time.
Knowing them they definitely gone go for an online mode for 6 though. All about the money
Bruh what is this cool ass shit??? Looks dope
i havent played a single wrestling game since next gen became next gin.

I think my legit last wrestling game was maybe one of the WCW vs games back on PS1 and N64

im pumped for this

hopefully it has create a wrestler