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well this ain’t in the books like that not the main series it’s a prequel. Civil war between the Targs. The blacks are on the side of the kings daughter who he made his heir. But traditionally women didn’t rule. And the King had a younger son with Alicent Hightower a powerful House in the Reach. So some lords like the stark and Baratheons might support the blacks and others like Lannisters or something might go with the Greens.


Hey would y’all watch an African show with like a Game of Thrones vibe? Like African noble families vying for power some witchcraft in it and shit.

idk if I asked this before and didn’t wanna make a thread. But I mean it’s a a lot of history that I feel a show of series of books could be crazy. Low fantasy
That would be dope

With Kevin Hart having a liquor makes it even funnier