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Khal drogo was a beast I don’t think his weapon counts as a sword but he was the head of like all of them until he died
Where's Jaime

And bronn, Jaqen H'ghar. Niggas bullshitting with that list.

Arya had brienne looking like a rookie when she finally got back to winterfell and they "trained" and she ran through bare mans on her way to getting the ice king tf outta here so put some respect on her please.

And big bruh from dorne guarding the king dared jamie and bronn to run the fade. Even tho he technically ain't fight you know he was fucking niggas up in the field.
Margarie molested that little boy right?

Like I ain't the only person who was googling the age difference was I?
Thought you was thinking deeper than that.
I never lead with the deep answers...I get where they going with arya, but I still got faith in bran and Jon Snow. He almost got his name changed to stark with the night watch shit.... Still might fucking with stannis
Ramsay raping Sansa is the worst.

I'm sure Joffrey would have done the same... But Ramsay demonic with it.

He's topping my most hated list