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Mad that the next season ain’t coming out till 2019...

Just binge watched all 7 seasons and now I gotta wait till 2019 for the last muffuken season.

Ain’t that bout a bitch!!!
Jon Snow turned his back on me and the north when he bent the knee, he's out and now it's Team Arya and Sansa who are the true heirs of Winterfell now.
Jon Snow turned his back on me and the north when he bent the knee, he's out and now it's Team Arya and Sansa who are the true heirs of Winterfell now.
Sansa came up but I'm still not totally sold on her. She was around LF too long for me to trust her....

Love arya tho
This speaks accurately to how Jon Snow really feel...


Also...how Jon gone tell someone else they a Stark unless he believe himself to be one too!

Damn you Gabi!!
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His daddy and mama named him aegon so ima call him aegon!!!!!!

Is his name jon stark or aegon targaryen???
