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The only story line I find boring is the Stark boys, they bring nothing interesting.

Sit ya ass down b. Starks been....you know what keep watching
I've caught up on all the seasons I'm officially a GoT watcher.

BTW here's my prediction for the ending of this series. Honestly the first season foretold what was going to happen but here it is

Tyrion will die

The white walkers will take the north till season 8

Starks, Dragon's, Lannister's and other houses will unite to fight the common enemy.

Sam will end up being a Merlin type magician and find out how to make more dragon glass or how to really destroy the white walkers for good.

The Lannister's will die off soon and Jamie will turn on his sis

Dragon Queen will get the 7 kingdoms back.

Jon Snow will be the hand of dragon queen just like his father Ned was the hand for Robert

Sansa will end up being just like Cersei at the end of the series.
Seems about right, but I hope it's wrong. If the show ends in a typical fashion where all antagonists die and suffer and all the protagonists live happily ever after, Ima be pissed.
That's why I still have hope for the show, but the "queen of dragons" better die or catch a major L by the end of this fuckin show.
GOT ain't showed you yet no ones safe?

Lol they're not going to let the Lannister's win at the end. I could see them letting Littlefinger snaking his way into the King of 7 kingdoms for shock value but I don't think that's going to happen.

All the old heads who got knocked off will be replaced by their young counterparts.

Mad King will end up being Dany

Ned will end up being Jon Snow

Cersei will be Sansa

They let us know that in the first episode
Nah bruh. You ain't qualified for these predictions yet.

You ain't put in the hours for that type of blasphemy

The North will be an independent nation (with a Dragon), Dany will have the south (with 2 dragon)

Bran will keep the peace from the rivelands. Arya will be his hitter and Sansa gonna be tight but she gonna live her days out in the Vale

No Lannister will survive, not even Tyrion
Nah bruh. You ain't qualified for these predictions yet.

You ain't put in the hours for that type of blasphemy

The North will be an independent nation (with a Dragon), Dany will have the south (with 2 dragon)

Bran will keep the peace from the rivelands. Arya will be his hitter and Sansa gonna be tight but she gonna live her days out in the Vale

No Lannister will survive, not even Tyrion
2 of the dragons are going night night b

Cs all of the Lannister's will be dead

The Nawf will be brought back to glory true that
The author said at least bookwise the endings will be good and bad. So I think the show will try and do it the same. I really feel like Cersei would let her whole kingdom turn to white walkers if she could rule. Littlefinger I think is still plotting
Chichi (@CheatMill),
Tywin Lannister once stated that the mineral mines of Casterly Rock have been dried up for a while, which is the reason why the the Crown cannot payback the Iron Bank so easily. So, Casterly Rock's actual value is somewhat questionable.

I think the planned capturing of Casterly Rock is more symbolic than anything.

However, it has been foreshadowed that Dany is going to abandon Tyrion's plan and be the "Dragon".

It's not symbolic, its tactical. If they overrun KL than the Lannisters would flee to Casterly Rock and could literally hold out a siege and squeeze out a truce.

With it belonging to Dany before the war starts however, they'd have no where to go which would in turn make them more likely to broker the truce. It won't matter tho because Cersei has shown to be crazy af
